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Brewster Kahle’s Internet Hall of Fame 2012 Induction Speech

Back in 1980, work­ing with the arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence guys, we had this idea we were going to make smart machines. But it need­ed to read good books, don’t you think?

Forbidden Research: Why We Can’t Do That

Quite often when we’re ask­ing these dif­fi­cult ques­tions we’re ask­ing about ques­tions where we might not even know how to ask where the line is. But in oth­er cas­es, when researchers work to advance pub­lic knowl­edge, even on uncon­tro­ver­sial top­ics, we can still find our­selves for­bid­den from doing the research or dis­sem­i­nat­ing the research.

Garrett Robinson at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

The thing about SecureDrop […] is that it’s changed a lot in the past two years. But what I real­ized was that the core design, the core archi­tec­ture, is almost com­plete­ly unchanged from what Aaron cre­at­ed and called DeadDrop over 2 years ago today.

Brewster Kahle at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

I’d sug­gest it’s time to fix the World Wide Web […] and I’m going to sug­gest the way to do this is by build­ing a dis­trib­uted Web. This is a call to build a dis­trib­uted Web, to lock the Web open.

Cindy Cohn at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

We’ve got an inflec­tion point oppor­tu­ni­ty here and we ought to be talk­ing about this European Court of Justice opin­ion and what it means, because what the European Court of Justice said is the NSA sur­veil­lance is not appropriate.

Jacob Appelbaum at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

Let’s not only lib­er­ate the doc­u­ments of the world, let us act in sol­i­dar­i­ty to lib­er­ate all of human­i­ty. Let us cre­ate infra­struc­ture that resists mass sur­veil­lance. Let us enable peo­ple to leak doc­u­ments. And let us also work to infil­trate those orga­ni­za­tions that betrayed us.

Roger Dingledine at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

I was think­ing back about all the var­i­ous mem­o­ries of Aaron, and I want­ed to share three of them with you. Two of them fun and cheer­ful, and one of them a lit­tle bit less fun and cheerful.

Micah Lee at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

When I was think­ing about what I would talk about last night, I was read­ing more about Aaron. Unfortunately, I nev­er got to meet him before he died, but I real­ized that he passed away on January 11, 2013, and that was actu­al­ly the same day that I first heard from Edward Snowden. 

The Human Element”; Chelsea Manning for Aaron Swartz Day 2015

Consider the para­dox that tech­nol­o­gy has pro­vid­ed for us. We seem more diverse and open as a soci­ety, but isn’t it also the case that we are more homo­ge­neous and inse­cure than we ever have been in the last cen­tu­ry or so?

Alison Macrina at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

The whole Library Freedom Project, every­thing that we do is very deeply inspired by Aaron’s spir­it, his work in resis­tance, his lega­cy. And every day that we go into libraries and teach prac­ti­cal pri­va­cy train­ings, I feel like Aaron is very much present in all that we do.

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