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Political Culture, Donald Trump and Education

presented by Anne Applebaum, Derek Shearer, Jeb Bush, Roger Berkowitz, Sean Wilentz

Donald Trump is not an American phe­nom­e­non, sole­ly an American phe­nom­e­non. We see Trumps emerg­ing all across the West, all across Europe—Western Europe and Eastern Europe. And they are repeat­ing them­selves in very sim­i­lar ways. 

Solarpunk : A Grand Dress Rehearsal

presented by Jay Springett

Many of the con­cerns of the cyber­punk genre have come true. The rise of cor­po­rate pow­er, ubiq­ui­tous com­pu­ta­tion, and the like. Robot limbs and cool VR gog­gles. But in many ways, it’s far far worse.

How to Predict the Future

presented by Ben Hammersley

Every sin­gle futur­ist has one of these as the first slide in their deck. It does­n’t real­ly mat­ter what this is. An expo­nen­tial curve, up and to the right. This rep­re­sents all of tech­nol­o­gy. The past thir­ty years of tech­no­log­i­cal evo­lu­tion is described in this. This could be any­thing. This is proces­sor pow­er. This is mem­o­ry per dol­lar. This is Internet pen­e­tra­tion. This is the num­ber of peo­ple play­ing Angry Birds.

(Data) Trust is the New Oil
Redesigning the data economy to optimize for trust

presented by Andrew Hoppin

The pow­er of data has nev­er been big­ger than it is today and I think this can be a great thing, even though it is also cre­at­ing some exis­ten­tial risks.

Sidney Blumenthal on the Crisis of Democracy

presented by Rob Riemen, Sidney Blumenthal

There’s always been this strain, par­tic­u­lar­ly in American pol­i­tics, a skep­ti­cism about politi­cians. We’re in one of these peri­ods where there is such skep­ti­cism, but it runs deeper.

Is the USA the world’s last best hope?

presented by Sidney Blumenthal

Lincoln spoke of the United States as the last best hope on earth because the United States was the last, and only, and first, suc­cess­ful Democratic Republic in the world.

Sidney Blumenthal on Being Advisor to Hillary Clinton

presented by Rob Riemen, Sidney Blumenthal

I have known Hillary for almost thir­ty years. And I hope that when this con­fer­ence takes place, she’s been elect­ed pres­i­dent. We share com­mon val­ues, polit­i­cal val­ues. But also I think that these are deeply root­ed in our own per­son­al expe­ri­ences. And these val­ues we’ve defend­ed against all sorts of peo­ple who have used what­ev­er means that they could, many of them under­hand­ed, in order to try and destroy rep­u­ta­tions, attack peo­ple per­son­al­ly, to engage in what we’ve called the pol­i­tics of per­son­al destruc­tion, but for polit­i­cal advan­tage and gain.

A Waste of Waste

presented by Arielle Johnson

My job is to work with cooks to fig­ure out the sci­ence behind food and cook­ing. But some­thing that we’re also inter­est­ed in with my job is using the knowl­edge that we pro­duce by doing that to improve the world. 

The Domains of Identity & Self-Sovereign Identity

presented by Kaliya Young

Self-sovereign iden­ti­ty is what sits in the mid­dle enabling indi­vid­u­als to man­age all these dif­fer­ent rela­tion­ships in a way that is sig­nif­i­cant­ly less com­plex than each of those insti­tu­tions need­ing to have a busi­ness rela­tion­ship with each oth­er to see those credentials. 

A Future with­out Waste

presented by Ida Auken

What I want to tell you is that in 2050 we don’t even have waste any­more. There will be no waste in 2050. Everything will be seen as a trea­sure, because we will have cre­at­ed what some smart peo­ple call a cir­cu­lar economy.

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