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George Steiner on How To Reform The Humanities

What then shall we do? Some reforms are not dif­fi­cult to envis­age. We must purge our vocab­u­lary, we must clean up our lan­guage to say what we mean. 

George Steiner: The Humanities Don’t Humanize

When we invoke the ideals and prac­tices of the human­i­ties, there is no assurance…that they humanize.

George Steiner on Science and the Humanities

The explo­sion of sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy has trans­formed not only our uni­ver­si­ties but after Descartes and Leibniz the very sta­tus of knowl­edge and of truth.

Class, Race and Poverty in the USA

Americans have always accept­ed a degree of inequal­i­ty, inequal­i­ty of out­comes. What seems to have changed in recent years, or at least in peo­ple’s per­cep­tion of it, is…that there seems to be grow­ing inequal­i­ty of start­ing place.

Political Culture, Donald Trump and Education

Donald Trump is not an American phe­nom­e­non, sole­ly an American phe­nom­e­non. We see Trumps emerg­ing all across the West, all across Europe—Western Europe and Eastern Europe. And they are repeat­ing them­selves in very sim­i­lar ways. 

Sidney Blumenthal on the Crisis of Democracy

There’s always been this strain, par­tic­u­lar­ly in American pol­i­tics, a skep­ti­cism about politi­cians. We’re in one of these peri­ods where there is such skep­ti­cism, but it runs deeper.

Is the USA the world’s last best hope?

Lincoln spoke of the United States as the last best hope on earth because the United States was the last, and only, and first, suc­cess­ful Democratic Republic in the world.

Sidney Blumenthal on Being Advisor to Hillary Clinton

I have known Hillary for almost thir­ty years. And I hope that when this con­fer­ence takes place, she’s been elect­ed pres­i­dent. We share com­mon val­ues, polit­i­cal val­ues. But also I think that these are deeply root­ed in our own per­son­al expe­ri­ences. And these val­ues we’ve defend­ed against all sorts of peo­ple who have used what­ev­er means that they could, many of them under­hand­ed, in order to try and destroy rep­u­ta­tions, attack peo­ple per­son­al­ly, to engage in what we’ve called the pol­i­tics of per­son­al destruc­tion, but for polit­i­cal advan­tage and gain.

The Divided States of America

I think there’s a great deal of naiveté about how pol­i­tics actu­al­ly works. And this is where either wing—the Trump wing or the Sanders wing—don’t under­stand how pol­i­tics actu­al­ly works in Washington.

Liberalism in the Anthropocene

This emerg­ing nar­ra­tive of cat­a­stro­phe is putting enor­mous pres­sure on all our polit­i­cal beliefs. Now there’s still some con­ser­v­a­tive par­ties, some US Republicans for exam­ple, who deny the basic facts, but we can be pret­ty sure I think that any pol­i­tics that denies the facts does­n’t have much of a future.

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