Archive (Page 10 of 14)

Yvonne Marie Andrés’ Internet Hall of Fame 2017 Induction Speech

I had a life-changing moment in 1984 that final­ly got my stu­dents excit­ed about learn­ing. Apple launched a pro­gram called Kids Can’t Wait and gave every school in California a com­put­er. Unfortunately the com­put­er did not come with software.

2017 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Alan Emtage

Back in 1989 when I was a stu­dent at McGill University I devel­oped what became the first Internet search engine. So the pre­de­ces­sor to Google and Bing and all of those things.

Alan Emtage’s Internet Hall of Fame 2017 Induction Speech

The Internet as we know it today would­n’t exist were it not for the fact that a lot of the orga­ni­za­tions and indi­vid­u­als who worked on it back then freely allowed the fruit of their work to be dis­trib­uted for free. 

Craig Partridge’s Internet Hall of Fame 2017 Induction Speech

If you talk with peo­ple wor­ried about the evo­lu­tion of tech­nol­o­gy one of the things they often com­ment about is that in many cas­es the future is quite clear. You can see it com­ing, but you don’t know how far away it is.

Ed Krol’s Internet Hall of Fame 2017 Induction Speech

When I first learned about being named for this award, I lis­tened to the accep­tance speech­es of pri­or awardees and I noticed the cen­tral theme was I just hap­pened to be in the right place at the right time.” And in fact I just hap­pened to be in the right place at the right time.

Steve Crocker’s Internet Hall of Fame 2012 Profile

I’ve been involved with the Internet Society for vir­tu­al­ly its entire life. Years ago, I had the good for­tune to be involved with the ear­ly days of the ARPANET and played a small role in help­ing build some of the tech­nol­o­gy, and in build­ing some of the social struc­tures that brought every­body together.

Nancy Hafkin’s Internet Hall of Fame 2012 Profile

I think my proud­est achieve­ments were to be able to set up and launch the first pro­gram at the United Nations to pro­mote infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy in a region. And the region was of course Africa.

Lawrence Landweber’s Internet Hall of Fame 2012 Profile

I got involved with net­work­ing some­time in the late 70s, main­ly because I was look­ing around and dis­cov­er­ing that peo­ple were get­ting into net­work­ing, email. And at the time I was depart­ment chair at University of Wisconsin, the com­put­er sci­ence depart­ment, and was try­ing to under­stand what those capa­bil­i­ties would do for our fac­ul­ty and students.

Elizabeth Feinler’s Internet Hall of Fame 2012 Profile

I’m Elizabeth Feinler, usu­al­ly known as Jake.” That’s my nick­name. And I ran the con­tract for the Network Information Center on both the ARPANET and the Defense Data Network back in the 70s and 80s.

Paul Mockapetris’ Internet Hall of Fame 2012 Induction Speech

One of the things I’d like to see is peo­ple have been build­ing new capa­bil­i­ties on top of the DNS for many years now. And I’m hop­ing to see in the future that we see three or four more peo­ple that have built advanced secu­ri­ty or oth­er fea­tures on top of this infrastructure.

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