Internet Hall of Fame 2013 (Page 3 of 5)

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Dave Farber

presented by Dave Farber

In some sense my aca­d­e­m­ic chil­dren became some of the fathers of the Internet. It’s why some peo­ple mum­ble that I’m the grand­fa­ther of the Internet. 

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Stephen Wolff

presented by Stephen Wolff

Anything that is vital and liv­ing and grow­ing, there’s always going to be tur­bu­lence. It’s always going to be going off in many direc­tions, sev­er­al of which are bound to be wrong, some of which are going to be right. So I think the Internet is still a work in progress. And that’s a very good thing.

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Andrew Sullivan

presented by Andrew Sullivan

My big con­cern right now actu­al­ly has to do with the ten­den­cy of peo­ple to want to reg­u­late it. So, the Internet is most­ly suc­cess­ful because of the abil­i­ty of peo­ple to do what­ev­er they want. That is, inno­va­tion hap­pens wher­ev­er you are. You can just add things to it and so on, and nobody’s in charge. And that’s scary for a lot of peo­ple who want to run things.

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Scott Bradner

presented by Scott Bradner

The biggest sur­prise I’ve ever had about the Internet is that my mom surfed. It nev­er occurred to me in the ear­ly 80s that my moth­er would ever know­ing­ly use the Internet. It was a toy—it was a geek thing. It was for sci­en­tists, it was for researchers, it was for tech­ni­cal peo­ple. I expect­ed her to use it with­out know­ing it, because I expect­ed it to be an under­lay­ment for a lot of telecommunications.

Qiheng Hu’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech

presented by Qiheng Hu

This hon­or for me is too high. At this excit­ing moment, my sin­cere grat­i­tude first of all goes to the ini­tia­tors and cre­ators of the great Internet, which has changed and is chang­ing the world, includ­ing my country.

Aaron Swartz’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech (Posthumous)

presented by Aaron Swartz

Aaron fought tire­less­ly to make infor­ma­tion free, and keep the Internet free, and to make aca­d­e­m­ic research avail­able for free, among oth­er things.

Stephen Kent’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech

presented by Stephen Kent

It occurred to me belat­ed­ly that I real­ly should just tweet my accep­tance speech. Except I don’t have Twitter account, so that makes it harder.

Stephen Wolff’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech

presented by Stephen Wolff

At one point, in con­tra­ven­tion of a great many reg­u­la­tions we man­aged, togeth­er, to buy a com­put­er out of project funds. And after a good bit of time, we put Unix on it and got that to work.

Steve Goldstein’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech

presented by Steve Goldstein

As I was com­ing over toward Brussels in the air­plane, hap­pened look down the win­dow and there were the Straits of Dover. And the melody just came to my mind, you know, I’m fly­ing over the white cliffs of Dover,” the World War II melody. And it remind­ed me that I am not of this Internet generation.

Teus Hagen’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech

presented by Teus Hagen

I was just in charge. I was just direct­ing things. But all those peo­ple with me, and all those peo­ple with you, we have to thank them all for doing this.