In some sense my academic children became some of the fathers of the Internet. It’s why some people mumble that I’m the grandfather of the Internet.
Internet Hall of Fame 2013 (Page 3 of 5)

Anything that is vital and living and growing, there’s always going to be turbulence. It’s always going to be going off in many directions, several of which are bound to be wrong, some of which are going to be right. So I think the Internet is still a work in progress. And that’s a very good thing.

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Andrew Sullivan
presented by Andrew Sullivan
My big concern right now actually has to do with the tendency of people to want to regulate it. So, the Internet is mostly successful because of the ability of people to do whatever they want. That is, innovation happens wherever you are. You can just add things to it and so on, and nobody’s in charge. And that’s scary for a lot of people who want to run things.

The biggest surprise I’ve ever had about the Internet is that my mom surfed. It never occurred to me in the early 80s that my mother would ever knowingly use the Internet. It was a toy—it was a geek thing. It was for scientists, it was for researchers, it was for technical people. I expected her to use it without knowing it, because I expected it to be an underlayment for a lot of telecommunications.

Qiheng Hu’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech
presented by Qiheng Hu
This honor for me is too high. At this exciting moment, my sincere gratitude first of all goes to the initiators and creators of the great Internet, which has changed and is changing the world, including my country.

Aaron Swartz’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech (Posthumous)
presented by Aaron Swartz
Aaron fought tirelessly to make information free, and keep the Internet free, and to make academic research available for free, among other things.

Stephen Kent’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech
presented by Stephen Kent
It occurred to me belatedly that I really should just tweet my acceptance speech. Except I don’t have Twitter account, so that makes it harder.

At one point, in contravention of a great many regulations we managed, together, to buy a computer out of project funds. And after a good bit of time, we put Unix on it and got that to work.

As I was coming over toward Brussels in the airplane, happened look down the window and there were the Straits of Dover. And the melody just came to my mind, you know, “I’m flying over the white cliffs of Dover,” the World War II melody. And it reminded me that I am not of this Internet generation.