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Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: Klaas Wierenga

presented by Klaas Wierenga

As some­one who has been involved for twen­ty years in trust and iden­ti­ty and secu­ri­ty, I still was shocked after the Snowden Revelations.

Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: José Soriano

presented by José Soriano

My fears today are the com­pa­nies, the twenty-six per­sons who have the 48% of the cap­i­tal of the world. And as the Internet reflects the world, we have the same in the Internet.

Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: Jean Armour Polly

presented by Jean Armour Polly

A lot of these things were pre­dict­ed, and we were told about them—we were warned about them. Things like loss of pri­va­cy and malev­o­lence on the Internet and mal­ware. We were warned, and a lot of us um, put on our rose-colored glass­es and said oh well, let’s go chas­ing water­falls anyway.

Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: Elise Gerich

presented by Elise Gerich

I real­ly hope that the Internet can con­tin­ue to have con­nec­tiv­i­ty with­out bifur­ca­tion. That we don’t have lit­tle Internets everywhere.

Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: Douglas Comer

presented by Douglas Comer

It’s always true that it’s eas­i­er to break things than to make them secure. So, as long as we have just an arms race, the bad guys will keep winning. 

Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: Adiel Akplogan

presented by Adiel Akplogan

My hope is that the Internet con­tin­ues to devel­op based on its under­ly­ing cul­ture, which is an open tech­nol­o­gy that is acces­si­ble to everyone.

The Breakdown: Jonathan Zittrain Reflects on 20192020 Assembly Program, Disinformation

presented by Jonathan Zittrain, Oumou Ly

What would it mean to have peo­ple who weren’t just aca­d­e­mics in an envi­ron­ment true to the high­est ideals of acad­e­mia? Of solv­ing prob­lems, of exam­in­ing ques­tions and our own assump­tions about answers to those questions? 


presented by Sophie Lewis

Full Surrogacy Now means two dialec­ti­cal­ly opposed things. It is simul­ta­ne­ous­ly a utopi­an cry for the queer ges­ta­tion­al com­mune, and a descrip­tion of what’s going on right now, which is very much not that. The dystopi­an struc­ture of plan­e­tary real­i­ty in the present. Indentured ser­vice, sub­al­ter­ni­ty, crowd­fund­ing, out­sourc­ing, neo­feu­dal­ism, civ­il strifes, invis­i­b­lized sub-sub-contracting, and above all—to use the phrase of Shellee Colen—reproductive stratification. 

A Globally Just Green New Deal

presented by Thea Riofrancos

In a world of globally-dispersed sup­ply chains, an ener­gy tran­si­tion in the United States has impli­ca­tions for the extrac­tion, pro­duc­tion, and dis­tri­b­u­tion of resources and tech­nol­o­gy in places well beyond US borders.

Planning the Green New Deal
Climate Justice and the Politics of Sites and Scales

presented by Kian Goh, Timmons Roberts

The urgency of cli­mate change and the rise of a grass­roots leg­isla­tive polit­i­cal envi­ron­men­tal move­ment in the United States should change the way urban plan­ners think and act on spa­tial change and social justice.

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