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2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Dave Farber

In some sense my aca­d­e­m­ic chil­dren became some of the fathers of the Internet. It’s why some peo­ple mum­ble that I’m the grand­fa­ther of the Internet. 

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Stephen Wolff

Anything that is vital and liv­ing and grow­ing, there’s always going to be tur­bu­lence. It’s always going to be going off in many direc­tions, sev­er­al of which are bound to be wrong, some of which are going to be right. So I think the Internet is still a work in progress. And that’s a very good thing.

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Andrew Sullivan

My big con­cern right now actu­al­ly has to do with the ten­den­cy of peo­ple to want to reg­u­late it. So, the Internet is most­ly suc­cess­ful because of the abil­i­ty of peo­ple to do what­ev­er they want. That is, inno­va­tion hap­pens wher­ev­er you are. You can just add things to it and so on, and nobody’s in charge. And that’s scary for a lot of peo­ple who want to run things.

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Scott Bradner

The biggest sur­prise I’ve ever had about the Internet is that my mom surfed. It nev­er occurred to me in the ear­ly 80s that my moth­er would ever know­ing­ly use the Internet. It was a toy—it was a geek thing. It was for sci­en­tists, it was for researchers, it was for tech­ni­cal peo­ple. I expect­ed her to use it with­out know­ing it, because I expect­ed it to be an under­lay­ment for a lot of telecommunications.

Stephen Wolff’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech

At one point, in con­tra­ven­tion of a great many reg­u­la­tions we man­aged, togeth­er, to buy a com­put­er out of project funds. And after a good bit of time, we put Unix on it and got that to work.

Steve Goldstein’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech

As I was com­ing over toward Brussels in the air­plane, hap­pened look down the win­dow and there were the Straits of Dover. And the melody just came to my mind, you know, I’m fly­ing over the white cliffs of Dover,” the World War II melody. And it remind­ed me that I am not of this Internet generation.

Teus Hagen’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech

I was just in charge. I was just direct­ing things. But all those peo­ple with me, and all those peo­ple with you, we have to thank them all for doing this.

Werner Zorn’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech

For me it is a fairy tale quite sim­i­lar to that of the ugly duck­ling. Perhaps you know. And from the ugly duck­ling we can learn if you are in such a mis­er­able sit­u­a­tion what to do. And what did the lit­tle ugly duck­ling [do]? It went into the world and look for birds of the same feather.

JCR Licklider’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech (Posthumous)

He would say to you that you are all wrong and that he nev­er should have been cho­sen to receive this award. He was a fair­ly hum­ble guy and would sit here—and it’s been a recur­ring theme—he would begin nam­ing the names of all the peo­ple who real­ly did the work. And he would sort of just say, I was there.”

Aaron Swartz’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech (Posthumous)

Aaron fought tire­less­ly to make infor­ma­tion free, and keep the Internet free, and to make aca­d­e­m­ic research avail­able for free, among oth­er things.