New America (Page 3 of 5)

A #Netfreedom Agenda for the 45th POTUS

presented by Amie Stepanovich, Daniel Calingaert, David A. Gross, Nilmini Rubin, Rebecca MacKinnon

In addi­tion to free­dom to con­nect, there also needs to be the abil­i­ty to con­nect, and that we need to mod­el best prac­tice at home and around the world, and the poli­cies that relate to that.

Who and What Will Get to Think the Future?

presented by Ed Finn, Ted Chiang

There’s already a kind of cog­ni­tive invest­ment that we make, you know. At a cer­tain point, you have years of your per­son­al his­to­ry liv­ing in some­body’s cloud. And that goes beyond mere­ly being a mem­o­ry bank, it’s also a cog­ni­tive bank in some way.

Robert Reich’s Advice for the Next President

presented by Robert Reich

The next President is prob­a­bly going to have to deal with some very dif­fi­cult eco­nom­ic times. The hous­ing mar­ket is start­ing to look like a bub­ble. There’s a pos­si­bil­i­ty of that bub­ble burst­ing. We’ve been there before.

Peter W. Singer’s Advice for the Next President

presented by Peter W. Singer

If I had to sug­gest one job for the next President to do for a day, it would be to take on the role of a mil­i­tary spouse whose wife has deployed abroad.

Jon Huntsman’s Advice for the Next President

presented by Jon Huntsman

The dimin­ish­ing trust that peo­ple have in their insti­tu­tions of gov­er­nance. Toward their sys­tem gen­er­al­ly. That is the issue that has to be addressed. 

Jen Kirkman’s Advice for the Next President

presented by Jen Kirkman

Whoever the next President is, the non-politician that they should call once in awhile to get per­spec­tive from is Howard Stern.

Jamelle Bouie’s Advice for the Next President

presented by Jamelle Bouie

The United States needs a stronger labor move­ment. It needs some­thing to orga­nize work­ers as work­ers, just for the sake of act­ing as a polit­i­cal coun­ter­bal­ance to cor­po­ra­tion and to large for­ma­tions of cap­i­tal. I think a lot of our prob­lems right now are direct­ly traced back to the decline of unions.

Douglas Rushkoff’s Advice for the Next President

presented by Douglas Rushkoff

I think it would be inter­est­ing if the President had to be a min­is­ter for a day and actu­al­ly engaged with peo­ple’s spir­i­tu­al bank­rupt­cy, and think about, Do I want to solve this by lying to them with anoth­er myth, or do I want to help them con­front the truth?”

Deon Cole’s Advice for the Next President

presented by Deon Cole

It’s not nec­es­sary for a machine gun to be able to be pur­chased. What is that for? How do you even have those in stores, and know that they in stores everywhere.

Cory Booker’s Advice for the Next President

presented by Cory Booker

We have a tax sys­tem right now that cre­ates a lot of per­verse incen­tives. It incen­tivizes jobs mov­ing over­seas, incen­tivizes a lack of invest­ment here at home, these inver­sions that are hap­pen­ing. And I do believe that when it comes to pay­ing fair tax­es, there’s a lot of folks who are pay­ing large per­cent­ages of their incom­ing tax­es, but that’s not reflect­ed in oth­er asset brackets.