It’s of course obvious that the Internet is a huge success. And it’s impossible to imagine a world without it anymore. At the same time, I think the current Internet is not future-proof anymore.
Internet Hall of Fame 2013 (Page 5 of 5)

Nii Quaynor’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech
presented by Nii Quaynor
I know this honor is not for me alone but also for the billions who still do not have the benefit of the Internet. But I accept it and thank everyone on their behalf as well.

CERN is a place where we try and understand where the universe comes from. And to do that we need technology. This is why we developed the Web.

Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech
presented by Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder
This is a very great honor and I’m proud, honored, but not so little surprised to be here. But still, even though I’m not a troublemaker, I may well not be an evangelist, but I’m a really really stubborn lady.

I guess I’m supposed to say how historic things happen, but what I’d like to do is actually paraphrase a comment that is fairly traditional in mathematics and was first taught to me by Dick Hamming, that I have done good things (I’m paraphrasing) because I’ve stood on the shoulders of great people that preceded me.

Richard Stallman’s Internet Hall of Fame 2013 Induction Speech
presented by Richard Stallman
So, thirty years ago if you wanted to get a new computer and use it you had to surrender your freedom by installing a user-subjugating proprietary operating system. So I decided to fix that by developing another operating system and make it free, and it’s called GNU, but most the time you’ll hear people erroneously calling it Linux.