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Nostalgia for the Net: Georgina Voss

presented by Georgina Voss

LiveJournal I think gave a lot— It cer­tain­ly gave me my train­ing wheels for how to engage oth­er bits of social space. We…people I know on LJ, I think we learnt quite quick­ly (or prob­a­bly some not as quick­ly as we should’ve done) where the lim­its of shar­ing and over­shar­ing are.

Nostalgia for the Net: Douglas Rushkoff

presented by Douglas Rushkoff

It was this big respon­sive thing. Now it’s like…asking me shit. It’s just ping­ing me and buzzing me. Instead of work­ing in that great asyn­chro­nous wait­ing pause, it’s this always-on assault.

Nostalgia for the Net: Debbie Chachra

presented by Deb Chachra

For a while, I would go to bed at the nor­mal time for like a 12 year-old, and then I would wake up at three o’clock in the morn­ing, head down­stairs, plug in the modem, dial into one of these BBSes, and spend a cou­ple of hours chat­ting with strangers, before pack­ing it up around five AM and going back to bed. 

Nostalgia for the Net: Deanna Zandt

presented by Deanna Zandt

A bunch of us met up on New Year’s Eve 1996 at the show at Roseland in New York. And you know, it was so hard for me to explain to peo­ple that I was going to go meet peo­ple from the Internet and no they weren’t going to mur­der me, you know.

Nostalgia for the Net: CW Anderson

presented by CW Anderson

My lit­tle stu­pid home page or what­ev­er was lim­it­ed by my lack of skill. It was­n’t as dynam­ic or as inter­est­ing or as excit­ing as Facebook is. But I made it. You know what I mean? Like I made it myself.

Nostalgia for the Net: Andy Baio

presented by Andy Baio

I had no idea what it was. You know like… Nobody could tell you what the Internet was, you had to expe­ri­ence it for your­self. And I was read­ing things like like Zen and the Art of the Internet try­ing to piece togeth­er what does the—what is this thing?

Nostalgia for the Net: Aaron Straup Cope

presented by Aaron Straup Cope

It was hard to get a sense of…the size or the scope of it, because you were just look­ing at essentially…like a typed mimeo­graph on a screen, and you were like…okay, what’s the big deal? 

Persons of Consequence

presented by Luca De Biase

New tech­nolo­gies open pos­si­bil­i­ties, and close oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ties. We live in eco-technical nich­es as any­body else in the world, but we cre­ate our nich­es and we change them. So we adapt to the nich­es that we already have built in the past, and then we change them and cre­ate new nich­es in which we will adapt. But the chang­ing is exact­ly what we need to understand. 

Knit One, Compute One

presented by Kris Howard

The very first line of any knit­ting pat­tern looks some­thing like this, Cast on 24 stitch­es.” And that means to cre­ate that ini­tial row of loops on the nee­dle. Well I looked at that and my brain imme­di­ate­ly rec­og­nized well that’s just a for loop.

Apocalypse!!!!! How Not to be An Idiot Designing Climate Futures

presented by Juli Sikorska

We real­ly seem to indulge in dystopi­an think­ing. And we love it. And I real­ly won­der why that hap­pens. I don’t know how you feel about this, but it real­ly stress­es me out. And it kind of both­ers me that it’s still a lot of times eas­i­er to imag­ine the end of the world than how we could live on a sus­tain­able planet. 

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