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ASU KEDtalks Podcast: Your Poop is Talking to You, Are You Listening?

presented by Diane Boudreau, Meli'sa Crawford

You can tell a lot about a per­son from their…poop. More specif­i­cal­ly you can tell about their health. So if they’re unhealthy, their microbes in their poop would be dif­fer­ent than a per­son who is healthy. So for exam­ple what we eat can affect the microbes that live in our gut.

The Fight for Artistic Freedom

presented by Wanuri Kahiu

When the film was banned, I was real­ly, real­ly, real­ly sur­prised. And what sur­prised me the most about the ban was the rea­son the Kenya Film Classification Board gave. They gave the rea­son that the film was not remorse­ful enough. They said that if I change the end­ing of the film and make it more remorse­ful, then they would give me a rat­ing. Because they did­n’t like the idea of legit­imiz­ing, or nor­mal­iz­ing, the LGBT com­mu­ni­ty in Kenya. Which was ridiculous. 

Stacktivism & The Means Of Not Dying

presented by Jay Springett

History of tech­nol­o­gy is the his­to­ry of civ­i­liza­tion. The pri­ma­ry con­cern of all humans through­out his­to­ry has been not dying. So the way that we have coped to mit­i­gate this risk of not dying is by build­ing infrastructure.

Brain Power: Nita A. Farahany

presented by Nita A Farahany

We as a soci­ety have to decide whether or not the abil­i­ty to access and change our brains is some­thing that we want, that we’re going to embrace, or some­thing that we’re going to put lim­its on.

Brain Power: Michael Platt

presented by Michael Platt

It’s won­der­ful to be here in Davos shar­ing our com­mit­ment to improv­ing the state of the world. And the recipe is real­ly I think quite sim­ple. All you’ve got to do is grow the econ­o­my, increase par­tic­i­pa­tion in that econ­o­my, with­in a rapidly-changing world, with increas­ing automa­tion and tech­nol­o­gy, on a plan­et that’s strain­ing to meet our resource needs. Piece of cake, right?

Brain Power: Corinna E. Lathan

presented by Corinna E Lathan

Why don’t we quan­ti­fy the brain? What I want to argue today is that we need a shift from diag­no­sis and treat­ment, to well­ness and pre­ven­tion. And that we have the data to do it.

danah boyd: Algorithmic Accountability and Transparency

presented by danah boyd

In the next ten years we will see data-driven tech­nolo­gies recon­fig­ure sys­tems in many dif­fer­ent sec­tors, from autonomous vehi­cles to per­son­al­ized learn­ing, pre­dic­tive polic­ing, to pre­ci­sion med­i­cine. While the advances that we will see will cre­ate phe­nom­e­nal new oppor­tu­ni­ties, they will also cre­ate new challenges—and new worries—and it behooves us to start grap­pling with these issues now so that we can build healthy sociotech­ni­cal systems.

The Open City

presented by Jean-Louis Missika, Richard Sennett

In my view, what an open city means is that peo­ple are exposed to one anoth­er. That’s my idea of the open city, that it’s a place where phys­i­cal pres­ence with the oth­er, and com­fort with the phys­i­cal pres­ence of the oth­er, does the work of allow­ing peo­ple to live togeth­er even if they are not engaged in the process of negat­ing their differences.

Early Evolutionary Innovations That Shaped Us

presented by Leslea Hlusko

I’m going to take you back to two key evo­lu­tion­ary inno­va­tions that hap­pened ear­ly on in our lin­eage that set us off on a tra­jec­to­ry dis­tinct from that of our clos­est liv­ing rel­a­tives, the African great apes, chim­panzees, and gorillas.

Violence & Art: An Interview with Robert Longo

presented by Robert Longo

America is dif­fer­ent than the rest of the coun­tries in the world because it’s the only coun­try I think that’s based upon the idea of team sport. Other coun­tries are based on race, reli­gion, tribe. The United States is the only coun­try in the world that’s based on the idea of a team. Because there’s all these diverse dif­fer­ent peo­ple, and we all work togeth­er for a goal. The prob­lem is that America, because it is a team, its main objec­tive is to win.

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