
Deep Sensing

When we think about short-term think­ing, how short-term is short-term? Because if you plant a tree, like an oak tree, it takes 100 to 120 years for an oak tree to be ful­ly grown. So any­thing between the point in which you plant the tree to when the tree is ful­ly grown is short-term think­ing, when we speak about land.

ASU KEDtalks: Charting a Course for Colorado River Water

The sto­ry of run­ning Lava Falls is the sto­ry of the Colorado River in the American West today. Right now, we are in those rel­a­tive­ly calm waters above the rapids, enjoy­ing the beau­ti­ful canyon scenery. But, now we begin to hear the omi­nous roar. In the American West we face chal­lenges man­ag­ing the Colorado River.

ASU KEDtalks: Water, a Pricing Paradox

Water is a dif­fi­cult com­mod­i­ty. It is free, and yet cost­ly. It is simul­ta­ne­ous­ly a pri­vate good, and a pub­lic good. It helps cities flour­ish finan­cial­ly, but now it is their finan­cial bur­den. Almost nobody pays for the water per se. The cost of water is the cost of mak­ing it avail­able at the right time, in the right place, and with the right quality.