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The Computer as Extended Phenotype

The computer is being used for so many things that I claim that we have to consider the computer as part of our extended phenotype. It’s just a part of a thing that has evolved with us using memes.

Fran Allen Keynote, Grace Hopper Celebration 2008

What I believe is that computer science emerged as a science, as a profession, with all the requirements on what professional standards and requirements of what one needed to know to get a job in the field. […] In that period, then, credentials were established, and by the early 70s things had really changed for women, at least in my environment, and most other groups that I’ve talked to about this theory absolutely agree that that was where there was a significant shift.

p5js Diversity & FLOSS Panel Q&A

Sara Hendren: One proactive thing we do with students at Olin in their first year on team collaborative projects is we have them identify and separate the team’s goals from their individual learning goals.

Taeyoon Choi at p5js Diversity

I like to diversify the way that we work with technology, and I like to think of it as an art object, and an installation where we rethink and reinvent computation, especially focusing on alternative possibilities of the computer as not driven by war agendas or corporate mass production.

Sara Hendren at p5js Diversity

I want to talk about a general disposition toward ability and disability that I try to embody in my own work and the work that I do with students. That disposition is a kind of productive uncertainty in engineering and design.

Chandler McWilliams at p5js Diversity

I wanted to give a talk on how to be an ally but I can’t really give that talk, so this is not a talk on how to be an ally. It’s a talk about trying to become one.

Epic Jefferson at p5js Diversity

Puerto Rico has been developing an interesting art and technology community for the past few years, and it would not have happened at all if it weren’t for two people, Carola Cintrón Moscoso and Alejandro Quinteros.

Casey Reas at p5js Diversity

The way that you think about software affects the kinds of things that you can do. Traditionally you would learn computer programming through operating on math, or operating on language, and in order to bring these ideas into the visual arts we decided to build a custom language that allowed people to have visual expressions.

p5js Diversity & FLOSS Panel Introduction

This project started two years ago when I’d been feeling like I really wanted to give back to the open-source community, but I didn’t know where to begin. I felt like the barriers were really high, and I wasn’t sure I was even welcome.

Johanna Hedva at p5js Diversity

I wanted to begin my talk by making a confession that I am a total outsider to your community in the sense that I don’t usually code. I wanted to give you a little story to locate me, and how I got to where I am today in being part of this community but from a different perspective.