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Art, Design, and the Future of Privacy Introduction

We have to know what we want. We have to imag­ine how it looks. We have to under­stand how it feels, how it smells, how it func­tions, before we can design it. Before we can code it. Before we can imple­ment it, and before we can sell it.

Art, Design, and the Future of Privacy Preface

You don’t need a CS degree to know how [tech­nolo­gies] impact your life, so how do we start exam­in­ing those impacts and then lead­ing with an under­stand­ing of what we actu­al­ly want to build, how we want to build it, and let­ting the imag­i­na­tive capa­bil­i­ties of all of these peo­ple dri­ve that.

Alison Macrina at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

The whole Library Freedom Project, every­thing that we do is very deeply inspired by Aaron’s spir­it, his work in resis­tance, his lega­cy. And every day that we go into libraries and teach prac­ti­cal pri­va­cy train­ings, I feel like Aaron is very much present in all that we do.

Infrastructure and Systems for a Nine Billion World

This is a com­plete­ly new kind of design chal­lenge. There’s no way that you can take the civ­i­liza­tion we have and re-scale it for 110 kilo­grams of cop­per per human per life­time. You have to think in a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent way if you’re going to oper­ate inside of this frame­work where you take the sus­tain­able har­vest of the Earth and you divide by nine billion.

Kate Darling at The Conference 2015

What’s real­ly new about robots is that they’re going to be every­where. And it’s also noth­ing new that we can emo­tion­al­ly relate to objects. People have always had the ten­den­cy to fall in love with cars and gad­gets and stuffed ani­mals. But the new thing about robots is what we’re see­ing is this effect tends to be more intense.

Eleanor Saitta at The Conference 2015

What I’m talk­ing about here is not what we need to do cul­tur­al­ly or polit­i­cal­ly, it’s not the roots of online harass­ment. It’s the design tools that we can use to shape the envi­ron­ments that peo­ple inter­act in to reduce the impact.

How Interfaces Demand Obedience

I’m going to dis­cuss the theme of inter­face and maybe the pol­i­tics of inter­face through the com­mu­ni­ca­tion cycle, the idea of pro­to­cols, and then I’ll try to sug­gest inter­faces for resis­tance, and ways for that to be addressed as well.

Privacy Illustrated

[L]ast week we went into sev­er­al class­rooms in the area and asked the kids What does pri­va­cy mean to you?” What do you think about when you think about pri­va­cy? Draw us some pictures.

Gradualism (and its discontents)

What I want to talk about is some­thing that has plagued me and con­cerned me for a long time now, which I guess one tech­ni­cal term for it is grad­u­al­ism,” how much worse things have got­ten very slow­ly. And I think it’s real­ly true in the privacy/security area. It’s true in a lot of places that have to do with tech­nol­o­gy because nor­mal peo­ple are a lit­tle intim­i­dat­ed by it and they don’t know enough to know what they should be watch­ing out for.