
Recreating the Brain

The thing that makes us unique is our com­plex­i­ty. But not com­plex­i­ty in some gener­ic sense. Nature is rife with com­plex­i­ty. What makes us spe­cial is the com­plex­i­ty of our brains.

Invisible Images of Surveillance

One of the things I real­ly want out of art, what I see the job of the artist to be is to try to learn how to see the his­tor­i­cal moment that you find your­self liv­ing in. I mean that very sim­ply and I mean it very lit­er­al­ly. How do you see the world around you?

Ethical Machines episode 3: Alex J. Champandard and Gene Kogan

For any artists that are work­ing in this field now, if I was good at paint­ing I’d prob­a­bly be look­ing at how to find styles that work well with these kind of rep­re­sen­ta­tions and make them eas­i­ly automat­able or trans­fer­able so that if I had fans as an artist they could say, Hey, I would like to have a pic­ture of my cat painted.”

Nobody Knows a Damn Thing

I’ve always been real­ly inter­est­ed in this idea of whether or not we can pre­dict hits. You speak to any­one who works in the enter­tain­ment indus­try, and every­one has their was sto­ries of that film they were sure was going to become a hit which some­how became a miss. There are niche films which appeal to every­one, and per­haps more like­ly, films that are designed to appeal to every­one which some­how appeal to no one.