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Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: José Soriano

My fears today are the com­pa­nies, the twenty-six per­sons who have the 48% of the cap­i­tal of the world. And as the Internet reflects the world, we have the same in the Internet.

Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: Jean Armour Polly

A lot of these things were pre­dict­ed, and we were told about them—we were warned about them. Things like loss of pri­va­cy and malev­o­lence on the Internet and mal­ware. We were warned, and a lot of us um, put on our rose-colored glass­es and said oh well, let’s go chas­ing water­falls anyway.

Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: Elise Gerich

I real­ly hope that the Internet can con­tin­ue to have con­nec­tiv­i­ty with­out bifur­ca­tion. That we don’t have lit­tle Internets everywhere.

Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: Douglas Comer

It’s always true that it’s eas­i­er to break things than to make them secure. So, as long as we have just an arms race, the bad guys will keep winning. 

Hopes and Fears for the Future of the Internet: Adiel Akplogan

My hope is that the Internet con­tin­ues to devel­op based on its under­ly­ing cul­ture, which is an open tech­nol­o­gy that is acces­si­ble to everyone.

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Bert Wijnen

I got involved in a work­ing group called SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). And I got very much involved, imple­ment­ed all the ver­sions that actu­al­ly were ever thought of, even those that were not published.

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Dave Farber

In some sense my aca­d­e­m­ic chil­dren became some of the fathers of the Internet. It’s why some peo­ple mum­ble that I’m the grand­fa­ther of the Internet. 

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Stephen Wolff

Anything that is vital and liv­ing and grow­ing, there’s always going to be tur­bu­lence. It’s always going to be going off in many direc­tions, sev­er­al of which are bound to be wrong, some of which are going to be right. So I think the Internet is still a work in progress. And that’s a very good thing.

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Andrew Sullivan

My big con­cern right now actu­al­ly has to do with the ten­den­cy of peo­ple to want to reg­u­late it. So, the Internet is most­ly suc­cess­ful because of the abil­i­ty of peo­ple to do what­ev­er they want. That is, inno­va­tion hap­pens wher­ev­er you are. You can just add things to it and so on, and nobody’s in charge. And that’s scary for a lot of peo­ple who want to run things.

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Scott Bradner

The biggest sur­prise I’ve ever had about the Internet is that my mom surfed. It nev­er occurred to me in the ear­ly 80s that my moth­er would ever know­ing­ly use the Internet. It was a toy—it was a geek thing. It was for sci­en­tists, it was for researchers, it was for tech­ni­cal peo­ple. I expect­ed her to use it with­out know­ing it, because I expect­ed it to be an under­lay­ment for a lot of telecommunications.

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