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2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Adiel Akplogan

One of the key chal­lenges is the lan­guage bar­ri­er. In Africa there are three major lan­guages spo­ken, or used in pro­fes­sion­al envi­ron­ments: French, English, some Portuguese. And try­ing to bring the com­mu­ni­ty from all those dif­fer­ent lan­guage back­grounds to focus on a project like AFRINIC was hard.

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: On Behalf of Suguru Yamaguchi

He’s a found­ing mem­ber of the WIDE Project that is the ini­ti­at­ing R&D and busi­ness of the Internet in Japan, as well as col­lab­o­rat­ing with glob­al part­ners in order to make the Internet the real infra­struc­ture for everyone.

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Michael Stanton

This is some­thing which we believe has to be stressed, that there are users which can­not be served by the com­mer­cial net­works at the moment at a decent price. Everything even­tu­al­ly comes down to price and the idea of being able to have aggre­gat­ed net­works which can be used by high-performance users as well as the less-aggressive peo­ple, if you like, can be built and oper­at­ed eco­nom­i­cal­ly if you have the right conditions.

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Larry Irving

None of us pre­dict­ed YouTube, none of us pre­dict­ed Facebook, none of us pre­dict­ed Twitter, none of us pre­dict­ed so many things we take for grant­ed today. I’m not gonna get in the guess­ing game any­more. What I do think is, the more peo­ple of good inten­tions get involved in this, the more this becomes about peo­ple and less about prof­it, the bet­ter off we’ll be.

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Klaas Wierenga

I was get­ting a bit annoyed with the fact that I was trav­el­ing to uni­ver­si­ties all over the coun­try and always had to go through all kinds of trou­ble to get online. You may not know this but back in the time you would have to reg­is­ter your MAC address at the IT cen­ter of the uni­ver­si­ty or get a card to stick into your lap­top. And it was such a has­sle and I thought, but why?

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Jean Armour Polly

Probably the thing that I’m most known for would be help­ing to evan­ge­lize the use of the Internet in pub­lic libraries. In the United States now, if you walk into a library you’ll see pub­lic com­put­ers set out and peo­ple can get free time on them. But it was­n’t always like that. 

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Elise Gerich

Be bold. Explore things. Be will­ing to chal­lenge the sta­tus quo. Not nec­es­sar­i­ly like throw every­thing out. Not the baby with the bath­wa­ter, as we say. But don’t be afraid to exper­i­ment. You know, just because it’s always been done one way does­n’t mean that there might not be anoth­er way to approach the prob­lem. And don’t think things can’t be done.

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Douglas Comer

The hard part was that every­thing was new at the same time. There was new hard­ware. There were new pro­to­cols. There was a new imple­men­ta­tion of pro­to­cols in the oper­at­ing sys­tem. It was actu­al­ly dif­fi­cult to fig­ure out how to build pro­to­col soft­ware in the oper­at­ing sys­tems. We had new appli­ca­tions. Things that…you have to under­stand at the time peo­ple did­n’t use net­works. So every­thing was being done at the same time.

José Soriano’s Internet Hall of Fame 2019 Induction Speech

It’s a great hon­or to be induct­ed in the Internet Hall of Fame. I don’t do it in my name alone. I do it for all the Peruvians who work in this net­work we built in the 90s. We learned very well the teach­ings of Randy Bush. Sometimes when he taught us tech­nol­o­gy with love, and we saw poet­ic, hip­pie, unre­pen­tant words. And we cre­at­ed with that a vision. 

Michael Stanton’s Internet Hall of Fame 2019 Induction Speech

RNP was launched in September 1989, exact­ly thir­ty years ago this month. So we’re now at the stage of look­ing back and see­ing how we are at present.

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