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Erik Huizer’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

I ran into Vint Cerf, who did­n’t know me of course, but I knew him. So I bold­ly intro­duced myself, and Vint said, Hey, you wan­na come to din­ner?” And I said, Well yes, please.” So he shoved me into a cab…

Eric Allman’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

When I start­ed, of course, there was no capital‑I Internet. There were, how­ev­er, even­tu­al­ly a bunch of small­er net­works that did­n’t talk to each oth­er, and I decid­ed that they need­ed to talk to each oth­er at least for email.

Douglas van Houweling’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

One of the things that we have dis­cov­ered over and over again, as we build net­works that move elec­trons around and pho­tons around, is that human beings use those to con­nect with one anoth­er. We think we’re con­nect­ing com­put­ers togeth­er, it turns out we’re con­nect­ing human beings together.

Douglas Engelbart’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech (Posthumous))

Although many may not rec­og­nize his name, most peo­ple today are very famil­iar with the foun­da­tion­al tech­nol­o­gy that Doug Engelbart pio­neered begin­ning in the 1960s.

Dorcas Muthoni’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

Since my ear­ly years, I was sure that infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy would real­ly bring the world togeth­er through the Internet. My sto­ry of suc­cess start­ed many years back when I start­ed by help­ing build net­works for uni­ver­si­ties, being among the first women engi­neers to work with the Kenya Educational Network

Dennis Jennings’ Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

I was hired to build a super­com­put­er access net­work. or a set of net­works for super­com­put­er access. The rea­son I took the job was that I saw an oppor­tu­ni­ty to do some­thing much big­ger in that.

Demi Getschko’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

It’s an hon­or for me to be here. It’s an unde­served hon­or for me. But I am proud to be a tiny bit of this con­struc­tion, this mar­velous con­struc­tion that the Internet is and keeps being. 

Dai Davies’ Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

When I start­ed in 1991, I was a hired gun. I was brought in to cre­ate a net­work, a pan-European net­work, and I was going to do it for three years. Twenty-three years lat­er I’m still involved in the same thing.

Ben Segal’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

I want to just make a few remarks about men­tors and pro­tec­tors. Most of us here have need­ed either or both of those. So I want to talk about two peo­ple in par­tic­u­lar with­out whom I would­n’t be here. The first per­son you know, and the sec­ond per­son you almost sure­ly don’t know.

Steve Huter’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

I came along in the ear­ly 1990s to join the Internet devel­op­ment com­mu­ni­ty, at a time when this work was cul­ti­vat­ed by a mix of acad­e­mia, gov­ern­ment, and indus­try. And it was real­ly start­ing to flour­ish, and the growth of the Net was start­ing to explode at that point with two to three new coun­tries join­ing you know, every every month or two with their full TCP/IP connections.