Demi Getschko: What can I say? First of all, thank you very much to ISOC and the spon­sors of this mag­nif­i­cent event. It’s an hon­or for me to be here. It’s an unde­served hon­or for me. But I am proud to be a tiny bit of this con­struc­tion, this mar­velous con­struc­tion that the Internet is and keeps being. 

We began this in the 80s in Brazil, began to con­nect aca­d­e­m­ic net­work­ing. And so I am part of the big team that worked on that. I will not try to remem­ber all the names, but I can remem­ber Professor Oscar Sala, maybe remem­ber also Tadao Takahashi. Ivan Moura Campos, Alberto Gomide , Michael Stanton, and many oth­ers that we have not said their names but are real­ly impor­tant [to] this effort. And we saw that the Internet faced a lot of threats from the very begin­ning. The bat­tle from pro­to­cols, how we can evolve TCP/IP, and the pres­sure of the cur­rent CCITT pro­to­cols for net­work­ing. I think that the prob­lem was the same in many countries.

And we see the Internet embrac­ing bil­lions of new users with­out los­ing its char­ac­ter­is­tics of open­ness, of vol­un­tary con­tri­bu­tion, and free­dom. And we hope that you keep it in this way. I fin­ish with the well-known phrase of the late Postel, that we are liv­ing in very inter­est­ing times, and keep liv­ing in these inter­est­ing times. Thank you very much.