
Michael Stanton’s Internet Hall of Fame 2019 Induction Speech

RNP was launched in September 1989, exact­ly thir­ty years ago this month. So we’re now at the stage of look­ing back and see­ing how we are at present.

Demi Getschko’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

It’s an hon­or for me to be here. It’s an unde­served hon­or for me. But I am proud to be a tiny bit of this con­struc­tion, this mar­velous con­struc­tion that the Internet is and keeps being. 

Empowerment Through Cooking

In 2004, after work­ing for more than ten years as a cook, I vis­it­ed a favela for the first time. I saw in cook­ing a way to train peo­ple, and so I offered a voca­tion­al train­ing pro­gram in a local institution.