
De Balie x IDFA Doc Talks: You Think The Earth Is a Dead Thing

When you look at this film you will rec­og­nize that it’s part of a tra­di­tion that says we have to think the plan­et, and we have to stop think­ing the Earth. Thinking the Earth is actu­al­ly think­ing the world in terms of dis­tinct civ­i­liza­tions, in terms of con­ti­nents, in terms of own­er­ship. Who owns cul­ture, who owns land, and how they exploit land and cul­ture and so forth. 

Post-Enlightenment, Media, and Democracy

I think this is the end of the news. Not the end of jour­nal­ism, end of news. And I think the whole dis­cus­sion about busi­ness mod­els, or qual­i­ty, or trust, or ethics are sec­ondary to what is the real prob­lem, which is a cul­tur­al prob­lem and a social problem.

Mapping the Intricacies of Evolving Food Systems

In many coun­tries, the very abil­i­ty to eat a food like avo­ca­do is a direct ben­e­fit of inter­na­tion­al trade. We are eat­ing on an inter­con­nect­ed plan­et. Food trade now shapes land use world­wide and is reshap­ing the food sup­plies of many nations.

The Conversation #3 — Peter Warren

Although our ulti­mate goal is pro­tect­ing bio­log­i­cal diver­si­ty on the land and pro­tect­ing the integri­ty of these nat­ur­al com­mu­ni­ties, the strate­gic way to get there is to pre­vent these ranch­es from being sub-divided. And it turns out the issue that these ranch­es are hav­ing, you know, they get togeth­er and talk and say, Wow our neigh­bor over here sold out and that ranch got sub-divided…” every time that hap­pens, it puts pres­sure on the remain­ing ranch­ers who want to stay in ranching.

The Conversation #1 — Reverend John Fife

What has redeemed the faith com­mu­ni­ty through­out the cen­turies of his­to­ry has been that there has always been a sec­tor of the faith that has not sold out, that has recalled the gen­uine moral and eth­i­cal val­ues of that faith and its tra­di­tion, and has renewed that, and there­fore moved the agen­da into the future, that is moral and eth­i­cal and just.