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Bots and the Rise of Digital Folk Art

I’m inter­est­ed in what hap­pens when artists who are used to being artists decide that the best place for a work is with­in a space that seems to require an entire­ly dif­fer­ent method of con­struc­tion. And of course, there’s no harsh line between forms, and plen­ty of peo­ple exist both as highly-proficient work­ing artists and excep­tion­al­ly skilled pro­gram­mers. Tons of them, right? But I’m not talk­ing so much about the skill or even back­ground. Instead of I’m inter­est­ed in mentality.

Don’t Be Human

With Twitter bots and a lot of AI in pop sci­ence, it’s kind of like stay­ing up late with your par­ents. Once you ask to be treat­ed like a human being, you have to abide by a dif­fer­ent set of rules. You have to be extra good. And the sec­ond you mis­be­have, you get sent to bed. Because you did­n’t play by the rules that you were agree­ing to be judged by.

Building Personable Machines

When Darius asked me to speak I had to think a lit­tle bit about what I would say to peo­ple who make soft­ware agents, which I think is real­ly real­ly cool. And to me, in think­ing about it, I think what is a bot to me? A bot is fun­da­men­tal­ly a piece of soft­ware that involves per­son­al­i­ty. And I’ve had a long-running inter­est in build­ing phys­i­cal robots that have per­son­al­i­ty of vary­ing degrees. So I pro­posed to give a talk about that.

How Thinking about Translation Can Help You Think about Bots

The com­mon­ly asked ques­tions is, Does this bot sound human?” And the ques­tion that I think is a lit­tle bit more inter­est­ing is why do so many bots that win the Loebner Prize sound pret­ty much exact­ly the same? They’re real­ly sim­i­lar to each oth­er. Maybe they all have a par­tic­u­lar type of default human being in mind, the peo­ple who design these bots. But if so, who is this par­tic­u­lar mys­te­ri­ous default human being?

Selfhood and the Icon

Like mito­sis, a copy has the capac­i­ty for indi­vid­ual muta­tion but does not intrin­si­cal­ly affect its par­ent. A retweet of infor­ma­tion is not a dupli­ca­tion nor a shift in scale. A retweet impacts a struc­tur­al bridge of a net­worked idea, not the intrin­sic idea itself.

The Top 20 Reasons Bots are Cool

I wasn’t real­ly sure what to talk about and so a while ago I wrote this bot called Bots r cool to try to fig­ure out why we all like bots, and this pre­sen­ta­tion is the top 20 of those off of Favstar plopped into OutSlide because I real­ly just didn’t want to do any work at all.

Image Bots

Why did this hap­pen now? We’ve had update_with_media on Twitter via the API since August 2011, so you could upload pic­tures for a long time. We got a rich pho­to expe­ri­ence” in September [2013]. […] But the short answer is I don’t know why we’ve had this capa­bil­i­ty for a year and nobody’s done any­thing with it until now in terms of trans­form­ing image bots. 

Bot Culture and the Myth of the Wacky Inventor

The point being that this isn’t just some ran­dom thing about Rube Goldberg machines, it’s also about changes in art. It’s a broad pat­tern that hap­pens when­ev­er there’s a major tech­no­log­i­cal shift, at least for the last hun­dred years. You get these use­less machines that self-justify.

Reverse Engineering Netflix

But most inter­est­ing was just going bonkers with this data in gonzo mode” and incor­po­rat­ing as much as pos­si­ble: Viral Plague Sci-Fi Movies Based on Children’s Books Set in Europe for Ages 8 to 10; or First Love Slice of Life Musicals Set in Europe From the 19820s For Hopeless Romantics; Bounty-Hunter Fantasy Movies Based on Books About Cats.

Fun With Corpora Manipulation

I guess the two ques­tions that I ask myself when I’m mak­ing a bot are what resources and cor­po­ra should I use, and how can I manip­u­late this in inter­est­ing ways to come up with tweets that are more sig­nal than noise. A lot of the time it’s actu­al­ly real­ly hard to gen­er­ate lan­guage that is sig­nal and not noise. And I aim to get a lot of sig­nal in my bots.

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