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Jon Huntsman’s Advice for the Next President

The dimin­ish­ing trust that peo­ple have in their insti­tu­tions of gov­er­nance. Toward their sys­tem gen­er­al­ly. That is the issue that has to be addressed. 

Jen Kirkman’s Advice for the Next President

Whoever the next President is, the non-politician that they should call once in awhile to get per­spec­tive from is Howard Stern.

Jamelle Bouie’s Advice for the Next President

The United States needs a stronger labor move­ment. It needs some­thing to orga­nize work­ers as work­ers, just for the sake of act­ing as a polit­i­cal coun­ter­bal­ance to cor­po­ra­tion and to large for­ma­tions of cap­i­tal. I think a lot of our prob­lems right now are direct­ly traced back to the decline of unions.

Douglas Rushkoff’s Advice for the Next President

I think it would be inter­est­ing if the President had to be a min­is­ter for a day and actu­al­ly engaged with peo­ple’s spir­i­tu­al bank­rupt­cy, and think about, Do I want to solve this by lying to them with anoth­er myth, or do I want to help them con­front the truth?”

Deon Cole’s Advice for the Next President

It’s not nec­es­sary for a machine gun to be able to be pur­chased. What is that for? How do you even have those in stores, and know that they in stores everywhere.

Cory Booker’s Advice for the Next President

We have a tax sys­tem right now that cre­ates a lot of per­verse incen­tives. It incen­tivizes jobs mov­ing over­seas, incen­tivizes a lack of invest­ment here at home, these inver­sions that are hap­pen­ing. And I do believe that when it comes to pay­ing fair tax­es, there’s a lot of folks who are pay­ing large per­cent­ages of their incom­ing tax­es, but that’s not reflect­ed in oth­er asset brackets.

Campbell Brown’s Advice for the Next President

Two out of three 8th graders in this coun­try can­not read or do math at grade lev­el. We are not prepar­ing our kids for what the future holds.

Anne-Marie Slaughter’s Advice for the Next President

Asking any author about a book the President should read imme­di­ate­ly makes me think, Mine, of course.” But what I would actu­al­ly say is the next pres­i­dent should be Jamie Merisotis’ America Needs Talent.

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