The diminishing trust that people have in their institutions of governance. Toward their system generally. That is the issue that has to be addressed.
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Whoever the next President is, the non-politician that they should call once in awhile to get perspective from is Howard Stern.

The United States needs a stronger labor movement. It needs something to organize workers as workers, just for the sake of acting as a political counterbalance to corporation and to large formations of capital. I think a lot of our problems right now are directly traced back to the decline of unions.

I think it would be interesting if the President had to be a minister for a day and actually engaged with people’s spiritual bankruptcy, and think about, “Do I want to solve this by lying to them with another myth, or do I want to help them confront the truth?”

It’s not necessary for a machine gun to be able to be purchased. What is that for? How do you even have those in stores, and know that they in stores everywhere.

We have a tax system right now that creates a lot of perverse incentives. It incentivizes jobs moving overseas, incentivizes a lack of investment here at home, these inversions that are happening. And I do believe that when it comes to paying fair taxes, there’s a lot of folks who are paying large percentages of their incoming taxes, but that’s not reflected in other asset brackets.

Two out of three 8th graders in this country cannot read or do math at grade level. We are not preparing our kids for what the future holds.