Allison Parrish: My name’s Allison Parrish, and I have a lit­tle talk pre­pared here. The title here is on the screen, Programming is Forgetting: Toward a new hack­er eth­ic.” I love that word toward,” because it instant­ly makes any talk feel super seri­ous. So I’m just going to begin.

Every prac­tice, whether tech­ni­cal or artis­tic, has a his­to­ry and a cul­ture, and you can’t under­stand the tools with­out under­stand­ing the cul­ture and vice ver­sa. Computer pro­gram­ming is no dif­fer­ent. I’m a teacher and a com­put­er pro­gram­mer, and I often find myself in the posi­tion of teach­ing com­put­er pro­gram­ming to peo­ple who have nev­er pro­grammed a com­put­er before. Part of the chal­lenge of teach­ing com­put­er pro­gram­ming is mak­ing the his­to­ry and cul­ture avail­able to my stu­dents so they can bet­ter under­stand the tools I’m teach­ing them to use. 

This talk is about about that process. And the core of the talk comes from a slide deck that I show my begin­ner pro­gram­mers on the first day of class. But I want­ed to bring in a few more threads, so be fore­warned that this talk is also about bias in com­put­er pro­grams and about hack­er cul­ture. Maybe more than any­thing it’s a sort of polemic review of Steven Levy’s book Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, so be ready for that. The con­clu­sions I reach in this talk might seem obvi­ous to some of you, but I hope it’s valu­able to see the path that I fol­lowed to reach those conclusions. 

One of our finest meth­ods of orga­nized for­get­ting is called dis­cov­ery. Julius Caesar exem­pli­fies the tech­nique with char­ac­ter­is­tic ele­gance in his Gallic Wars. It was not cer­tain that Britain exist­ed,” he says, until I went there.”

To whom was it not cer­tain? But what the hea­then know doesn’t count. Only if god­like Caesar sees it can Britannia rule the waves.

Only if a European dis­cov­ered or invent­ed it could America exist. At least Columbus had the wit, in his mad­ness, to mis­take Venezuela for the out­skirts of Paradise. But he remarked on the avail­abil­i­ty of cheap slave labor in Paradise.
Ursula K. Le Guin, A Non-Euclidean View of California as a Cold Place to Be”

So, the quote here is from an amaz­ing essay called A Non-Euclidean View of California as a Cold Place to Be” by one of my favorite authors, Ursula K. Le Guin. It is about the dan­gers of fool­ing your­self into think­ing you’ve dis­cov­ered some­thing new when in fact you’ve only over­writ­ten real­i­ty with your own point of view.

So let’s begin. This is Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy. This book was first pub­lished in 1984. And in this book Steven Levy iden­ti­fies the fol­low­ing as the com­po­nents of the hack­er ethic.

  • Access to com­put­ers should be unlim­it­ed and total.
  • All infor­ma­tion should be free.
  • Mistrust authority—promote decentralization.
  • Hackers should be judged by their hack­ing, not bogus cri­te­ria such as degrees, age, race or position.
  • You can cre­ate art and beau­ty on a computer.
  • Computers can change your life for the better.

Now, Levy defines hack­ers as com­put­er pro­gram­mers and design­ers who regard com­put­ing as the most impor­tant thing in the world. And his book is not just a his­to­ry of hack­ers but also a cel­e­bra­tion of them. Levy makes his atti­tude toward hack­ers and their eth­ic clear through the sub­ti­tle he chose for the book, Heroes of the Computer Revolution.” And through­out the book does­n’t hes­i­tate to extol the virtues of this hack­er ethic.

The book con­cludes with this quote, this bom­bas­tic quote, from Lee Felsenstein.

It’s a very fun­da­men­tal point of, you might say, the sur­vival of human­i­ty, in a sense that you can have peo­ple [mere­ly] sur­vive, but human­i­ty is some­thing that’s a lit­tle more pre­cious, a lit­tle more frag­ile. So that to be able to defy a cul­ture which states that Thou shalt not touch this,’ and to defy that with one’s own cre­ative pow­ers is…the essence.”

The essence, of course, of the Hacker Ethic.
Hackers, p. 452

And that last sen­tence is Levy’s. He’s telling us that adher­ence to the hack­er eth­ic is not just vir­tu­ous, but it’s what makes life worth­while, that the sur­vival of the human race is depen­dent on fol­low­ing this ethic. 

Hackers was reprint­ed in a 25th anniver­sary edi­tion by O’Reilly in 2010, and despite the unsa­vory con­no­ta­tions of the word hacker—like the crim­i­nal con­no­ta­tions of it—hacker cul­ture of course is still alive and well today. Some pro­gram­mers call them­selves hack­ers, and a glance at any tech indus­try job list­ing will prove that hack­ers are still sought after. Contemporary review­ers of Levy’s book con­tin­ue to call the book a clas­sic, an essen­tial read for learn­ing to under­stand the mind­set of that mys­te­ri­ous much-revered pure pro­gram­mer that we should all strive to be like. 

Hackers the book relates most­ly events from the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. I was born in 1981, and as a young com­put­er enthu­si­ast I quick­ly became aware of my unfor­tu­nate place in the his­to­ry of com­put­ing. I thought I was born in the wrong time. I would think to myself I was born long after the glo­ry days of hack­ing and the com­put­er rev­o­lu­tion. So when I was grow­ing up I wished I’d been there dur­ing the events that Levy relates. Like I wish that I’d been been able to play Spacewar! in the MIT AI lab. I wished that I could’ve attend­ed the meet­ings of the Homebrew Computer Club with the Steves, Wozniak and Jobs. Or work at Bell Labs with Kernighan and Ritchie hack­ing on C in Unix. I remem­ber read­ing and reread­ing Eric S. Raymond’s Jargon File (Many of you have prob­a­bly seen this. I hope some of you have seen that list.) on the Web as a teenag­er and con­scious­ly adopt­ing it as my own cul­ture and tak­ing the lan­guage from the Jargon File and includ­ing it in my own language.

And I would­n’t be sur­prised to find out that many of us here today like to see our work as a con­tin­u­a­tion of say the Tech Model Railroad Club or the Homebrew Computer Club, and cer­tain­ly the ter­mi­nol­o­gy and the val­ues of this con­fer­ence, like open source for exam­ple, have their roots in that era. As a con­se­quence it’s easy to inter­pret any crit­i­cism of the hack­er ethic—which is what I’m about to do—as a kind of assault. I mean, look at this list again, right. 

To me, even though I’m about to launch into a polemic about these things, they still make sense in an intu­itive and vis­cer­al way. How could any of these things be bad? 

But, the tenets and the effects of the hack­er eth­ic deserve to be reex­am­ined. In fact the past few years have been replete with cri­tiques of hack­er cul­ture, espe­cial­ly as hack­er cul­ture has sort of evolved into the tech indus­try. And I know that many of us have tak­en those cri­tiques to heart, and in some sense I see my own process of grow­ing up and becom­ing an adult as being the process of rec­og­niz­ing the flaws in this eth­ic, and its short­com­ings, and becom­ing dis­il­lu­sioned with it.

But it was­n’t until I recent­ly actu­al­ly read Levy’s Hackers that I came to a full under­stand­ing that the prob­lems with the hack­er eth­ic lay not sim­ply in the fail­ure to exe­cute its prin­ci­ples ful­ly, but in some kind of under­ly­ing phi­los­o­phy of the eth­ic itself. And so to illus­trate, I want to relate an anec­dote from the book. 

This anec­dote relates an event that hap­pened in the 1960s in which a hack­er named Stewart Nelson decid­ed to rewire MIT’s PDP1. The PDP1 was a com­put­er shared between mul­ti­ple depart­ments, and because only one per­son could use the com­put­er at a time, its use was allo­cat­ed on an hourly basis. You had to sign up for it. Nelson, along with a group of onlook­ers who called them­selves The Midnight Computer Wiring Society” decid­ed to add a new opcode the com­put­er by open­ing it, fus­ing a cou­ple of diodes, then reassem­bling it to an appar­ent pris­tine state. This was done at night, in secret, because uni­ver­si­ty had said that tam­per­ing with com­put­ers was against the rules. And the fol­low­ing quote tells the tale of what came next. 

The machine was tak­en through its paces by the hack­ers that night, and worked fine. But the next day an Officially Sanctioned User named Margaret Hamilton showed up on the ninth floor to work on some­thing called a Vortex Model for a weather-simulation project she was work­ing on… [T]he Vortex pro­gram at that time was a very big pro­gram for her. 

The assem­bler that Margaret Hamilton used with her Vortex pro­gram was not the hacker-written MIDAS assem­bler, but the DEC-supplied DECAL sys­tem that the hack­ers con­sid­ered absolute­ly hor­rid. So of course Nelson and the MCWS, when test­ing the machine the pre­vi­ous night, had not used the DECAL assem­bler. They had nev­er even con­sid­ered the pos­si­bil­i­ty that the DECAL assem­bler accessed the instruc­tion code in a dif­fer­ent man­ner than MIDAS, a man­ner that was affect­ed to a greater degree by the slight for­ward volt­age drop cre­at­ed by the addi­tion of two diodes between the add line and the store line. 

(I prob­a­bly should’ve cut out more of this quote. This is the hard­ware in my talk right here.)

Margaret Hamilton, of course, was unaware that the PDP1 had under­gone surgery the pre­vi­ous night. So she did not imme­di­ate­ly know the rea­son why her Vortex program…broke. […] Though pro­grams often did that for var­i­ous rea­sons, this time Margaret Hamilton com­plained about it, and some­one looked into why, and some­one else fin­gered the Midnight Computer Wiring Society. So there were reper­cus­sions. Reprimands.
Hackers, pp. 8889

Levy clear­ly views this anec­dote as an exam­ple of the hack­er eth­ic at work. If that’s the case, the hack­er eth­ic in this instance has made it impos­si­ble for a bril­liant woman to do her work, right. For Levy, the sto­ry is passed off as a joke but when I first read it I got angry.

A young Margaret Hamilton, smiling, propping up a stack of paper as tall as herself

The Margaret Hamilton men­tioned in this sto­ry, by the way, is in case you were curi­ous the same Margaret Hamilton who would go on to devel­op the soft­ware for the Apollo pro­gram and the Skylab pro­gram that land­ed astro­nauts on the moon. She’s like a super­star. The men­tion of Margaret Hamilton in this pas­sage is one of maybe three instances in the entire book in which a woman appears who is not intro­duced as the rel­a­tive or roman­tic inter­est of a man. And even in this rare instance, Levy’s fram­ing triv­i­al­izes Hamilton, her work, and her right to the facil­i­ty. She was a begin­ner pro­gram­mer” who was offi­cial­ly sanc­tioned” but also just showed up.” And she com­plained” about it, lead­ing to reper­cus­sions and rep­ri­mands. Levy is all but call­ing her a nag.

The first four points of Levy's hacker ethic, text crossed out.

So. If the hack­er eth­ic is good, how could it have pro­duced this clear­ly unfair and hor­ri­ble and angry-making sit­u­a­tion? So I’m going to look at a few of the points from Levy’s sum­ma­ry of the hack­er eth­ic to see how it pro­duced or failed to pre­vent the Margaret Hamilton sit­u­a­tion here. 

So first of all the idea that access to com­put­ers should be unlim­it­ed and total. The hack­er Nelson suc­ceed­ed in gain­ing total access. He was enact­ing this part of the eth­ic. But what he did­n’t con­sid­er is in the process he did not uphold that access for anoth­er per­son. Another per­son was denied access by his com­plete access.

Two, all infor­ma­tion should be free. No one who real­ly believes in the idea that all infor­ma­tion should be free would start a secret orga­ni­za­tion that works only at night called The Midnight Computer Rewiring Society? Information about their orga­ni­za­tion clear­ly was not meant to be free, it was meant to be secret.

Three, the mis­trust of author­i­ty. The mis­trust of author­i­ty” in this instance was actu­al­ly a hack­er coup. Nelson took con­trol of the com­put­er for him­self, which was­n’t decen­tral­iz­ing author­i­ty, it was just putting it into dif­fer­ent hands.

Four, hack­ers should be judged by their hack­ing, not bogus cri­te­ria such as degrees, age, race, or posi­tion. Of course, Hamiltons access the com­put­er was con­sid­ered unim­por­tant before her hack­ing could even be eval­u­at­ed. And as a side­note it’s inter­est­ing to note that gen­der is not includ­ed among the bogus cri­te­ria that Levy lists. That may be nei­ther here nor there.

Anyway, the book is replete with exam­ples like this. Just like every page, espe­cial­ly in the first half, is just like some hack­ers being awful and then Levy excus­ing them because they’re fol­low­ing the all-important hack­er ethic.

So after read­ing this I thought, this isn’t what I want my cul­ture to be. And then I asked myself, giv­en that I grew up with the idea of the hack­er eth­ic being all-important, what assump­tions and atti­tudes have I been car­ry­ing with myself because of my implic­it accep­tance of those values? 

So, many of the tools that we use today in the form of hard­ware, oper­at­ing sys­tems, appli­ca­tions, pro­gram­ming lan­guages, even our cus­toms and cul­ture, orig­i­nate in this era. I take it as axiomat­ic for this dis­cus­sion that the val­ues embed­ded in our tools end up being expressed in the arti­facts that we make with them. I’m not a his­to­ri­an, but I am an edu­ca­tor, and giv­en the per­va­sive­ness of these val­ues, I find myself con­stant­ly faced with the prob­lem of how to ori­ent my stu­dents with regard to the mixed lega­cy of hack­er cul­ture. How do I go about con­tex­tu­al­iz­ing the prac­tice of pro­gram­ming with­out tak­ing as a giv­en the some­times ques­tion­able val­ues embed­ded with­in it?

One solu­tion is to pro­pose a coun­ter­phi­los­o­phy, which is what I’m going to do in just a sec­ond. But first I think I found the philo­soph­i­cal ker­nel of the hack­er eth­ic that makes me uncom­fort­able. Levy calls it the Hands-On Imperative. Here’s how he explains it, and I’ll talk about this in a second. 

Hackers believe that essen­tial lessons can be learned about the systems—about the world—from tak­ing things apart, see­ing how they work, and using this knowl­edge to cre­ate new and even more inter­est­ing things. They resent any per­son, phys­i­cal bar­ri­er, or law that tries to keep them from doing this.

This is espe­cial­ly true when a hack­er wants to fix some­thing that (from his point of view) is bro­ken or needs improve­ment. Imperfect sys­tems infu­ri­ate hack­ers, whose pri­mal instinct is to debug them.
Hackers, p. 28

Hands-on of course is a phrase that has imme­di­ate incred­i­bly pos­i­tive con­no­ta­tions. And if you have a choice, obvi­ous­ly if you have a choice between hands-on and not hands-on, you’re prob­a­bly going to choose hands-on. And so I admit that crit­i­cism of some­thing called The Hands-On Imperative” seems coun­ter­in­tu­itive. And this is kind of I think the sub­tlest and most abstract part of the talk, and the part that I’m least sure of so thanks for stick­ing with me through this. But if you kind of unwind the Hands-On Imperative, you can pluck out some pre­sup­po­si­tions from it. 

One is that the world is a sys­tem and can be under­stood as being gov­erned by rules or code. 

Two, any­thing can be ful­ly described and under­stood by under­stand­ing its parts individually—divorced from their orig­i­nal context.

Three, sys­tems can be imperfect”—which implies that a sys­tem can also be made perfect.

And four, there­fore, giv­en suf­fi­cient access (poten­tial­ly obtained with­out permission)—and suf­fi­cient debugging”—it’s pos­si­ble to make a com­put­er pro­gram that per­fect­ly mod­els the world.

So, the hubris inher­ent in the Hands-On Imperative is what con­vinced Stewart Nelson that his mod­i­fi­ca­tion of the PDP1 would have no reper­cus­sions. He believed him­self to have a per­fect under­stand­ing of the PDP1, and failed to con­sid­er that it had oth­er uses and oth­er affor­dances out­side of his own expec­ta­tions. The Hands-On Imperative in some encour­ages an atti­tude in which a sys­tem is seen as just the sum of its parts. The sur­round­ing con­text, whether it’s tech­no­log­i­cal or social, is nev­er tak­en into account.

But that’s just a small exam­ple of this phi­los­o­phy in action. There’s a big dis­cus­sion in many of the fields that I’m involved with right now about bias in algo­rithms, and bias in sta­tis­ti­cal mod­els and data. And there’s always one con­tin­gent in that dis­cus­sion of sci­en­tists and pro­gram­mers who believe that they can elim­i­nate bias from their sys­tems if only they had more data, or if they had a more sophis­ti­cat­ed algo­rithm to ana­lyze the data with. And fol­low­ing this phi­los­o­phy, pro­gram­ming is an exten­sion of sort of Western log­i­cal pos­i­tivism, which says you start with a blank slate, and with enough time and appli­ca­tion, adding fact upon fact and rule upon rule, the map becomes the ter­ri­to­ry and you end up with a per­fect mod­el of the world.

Programming is forgetting

Of course, pro­gram­ming does­n’t work like that. Knowledge does­n’t work like that. Nothing works like that. Bias in com­put­er sys­tems exists because every com­put­er pro­gram is by neces­si­ty writ­ten from a par­tic­u­lar point of view. So what I tell my stu­dents in intro­duc­to­ry pro­gram­ming class­es is this: pro­gram­ming is for­get­ting. And this is both a method­ol­o­gy and a warning. 

The process of com­put­er pro­gram­ming is tak­ing the world, which is infi­nite­ly vari­able, mys­te­ri­ous, and unknow­able (if you’ll excuse a lit­tle turn towards the woo in this talk) and turn­ing it into pro­ce­dures and data. And we have a num­ber of dif­fer­ent names for this process: scan­ning, sam­pling, dig­i­tiz­ing, tran­scrib­ing, schema­tiz­ing, pro­gram­ming. But the result is the same. The world, which con­sists of ana­log phe­nom­e­na infi­nite and unknow­able, is reduced to the repeat­able and the discrete.

In the process of pro­gram­ming, or scan­ning or sam­pling or dig­i­tiz­ing or tran­scrib­ing, much of the world is left out or for­got­ten. Programming is an attempt to get a han­dle on a small part of the world so we can ana­lyze and rea­son about it. But a com­put­er pro­gram is nev­er itself the world.

A pie chart headed

So I just want to give some exam­ples of this. This is…reality is the whole pie chart, and then our dig­i­tized ver­sion of it’s that lit­tle sliv­er. And depend­ing on how seri­ous­ly you adhere to this phi­los­o­phy, that sliv­er is like, infi­nite­ly small. We can only ever get like—we don’t know how much of real­i­ty we’re mod­el­ing in our systems. 

So I just want to show some exam­ples to dri­ve this point home of com­put­er pro­gram­ming being a kind of for­get­ting. A good exam­ple is the dig­i­ti­za­tion of sound. Sound of course is a con­tin­u­ous ana­log phe­nom­e­non caused by vibra­tions of air pres­sure which our ears turn into nerve impuls­es in the brain. The process of dig­i­tiz­ing audio cap­tures that ana­log phe­nom­e­non and con­verts it into a sequence of dis­creet sam­ples with quan­tized val­ues. In the process, infor­ma­tion about the orig­i­nal sig­nal is lost. You can increase the fideli­ty by increas­ing the sam­ple rate or increas­ing the amount of data stored per sam­ple, but some­thing from the orig­i­nal sig­nal will always be lost. And the role of the pro­gram­mer is to make deci­sions about how much of that infor­ma­tion is lost and what the qual­i­ty of that loss is, not to elim­i­nate the loss altogether.

Sometimes for­get­ting isn’t a side-effect of the dig­i­ti­za­tion process at all. This is JPEG com­pres­sion, for exam­ple. Sometimes for­get­ting isn’t a side-effect of the dig­i­ti­za­tion process but its express pur­pose. So lossy com­pres­sion like JPEG is a good exam­ple of this. The JPEG com­pres­sion algo­rithm con­verts an image into the results of a spec­tral analy­sis of its com­po­nent chunks, and by throw­ing out the high­er fre­quen­cy har­mon­ics from the spec­tral analy­sis, the orig­i­nal image can be approx­i­mat­ed using less infor­ma­tion, which allows it to be down­loaded faster. And in the process, of course, cer­tain details of the image are forgotten.

Databases are anoth­er good exam­ple of pro­gram­ming as a kind for­get­ting. And maybe this is a lit­tle bit less intu­itive. This is a table schema writ­ten in SQL, clear­ly intend­ed to cre­ate a table (If you’re not famil­iar with data­base design, a table is sort of like a sin­gle sheet in a spread­sheet pro­gram.) with four columns, an ID, a first name, a last name, and a gen­der. So, this data­base schema looks inno­cent enough. If you’ve done any com­put­er pro­gram­ming, you’ve prob­a­bly made a table that looks like this at some point, even if you just made a spread­sheet or a sign-up sheet for some­thing. But this is actu­al­ly an engine for for­get­ting. The table is intend­ed to rep­re­sent indi­vid­ual human beings, but of course it only cap­tures a small frac­tion of the avail­able infor­ma­tion about a per­son, throw­ing away the rest.

This par­tic­u­lar data­base schema, in my opin­ion, does a real­ly poor job of rep­re­sent­ing peo­ple, and ends up reflect­ing the bias­es of the per­son who made it in a pret­ty severe way. It requires a first and last name, which makes sense maybe in some Western cul­tures but not oth­ers where names maybe have a dif­fer­ent num­ber of com­po­nents or the ter­mi­nol­o­gy first and last name” don’t apply to the parts of the name. The gen­der field defined here as an enu­mer­a­tion assumes that gen­der is inher­ent and bina­ry, and that know­ing some­one’s gen­der is on the same lev­el of the hier­ar­chy for the pur­pos­es of iden­ti­fy­ing them as know­ing the per­son­’s name. And that may or may not be a use­ful abstrac­tion for what­ev­er pur­pos­es the data­base is geared for, but it’s impor­tant remem­ber that it’s exact­ly that—it’s an abstraction.

So, the ten­den­cy to mis­take the dis­crete map for the ana­logue ter­ri­to­ry is par­tic­u­lar­ly strong when it comes to lan­guage. And that’s the main focus of my prac­tice is I do computer-generated poet­ry, so I think a lot about com­put­ers and lan­guage. The ten­den­cy to mis­take— Or, in my expe­ri­ence, most peo­ple con­cep­tu­al­ize spo­ken lan­guage as con­sist­ing pri­mar­i­ly of com­plete gram­mat­i­cal sen­tences said aloud in turns, bound­ed by easily-distinguished greet­ings and farewells. And that we can take these exchanges—like a con­ver­sa­tion for example—and giv­en suf­fi­cient time and effort we can per­fect­ly cap­ture con­ver­sa­tion in a tran­scrip­tion, right. 

This slide is from a paper by Mary Bucholtz, a lin­guist. The paper is called The Politics of Transcription.” And the paper talks about how any­one who has actu­al­ly tried to tran­scribe a con­ver­sa­tion knows that spo­ken lan­guage con­sists of fre­quent false starts, rep­e­ti­tions, dis­flu­en­cies, over­laps, inter­rup­tions, utter­ances that are inco­her­ent or inaudi­ble or even pur­pose­ful­ly ambigu­ous. In the papers, she also argues that there is no such thing as a per­fect tran­scrip­tion. That inter­pre­tive choic­es are always made in the act of tran­scrip­tion that reflect the bias­es, the atti­tudes, and the needs of the tran­scriber. In oth­er words a tran­scrip­tion is an act of for­get­ting, of throw­ing away part of a phe­nom­e­non in order to pro­duce an arti­fact more amenable to analysis. 

This is from a tran­scrip­tion of I think a court pro­ceed­ing hav­ing to do with the Rodney King case in the 90s. And you can see on the left is a reporter’s tran­script of that, and on the right is a lin­guist’s tran­script of it, and they’re very very dif­fer­ent. But even the lin­guist’s tran­scrip­tion isn’t per­fect. One thing I’d like to have my pro­gram­ming stu­dents do is read this paper and then try to tran­scribe a con­ver­sa­tion, just to see the dif­fer­ence between how they think a con­ver­sa­tion works and how it actu­al­ly works.

And of course the prob­lem with lan­guage isn’t just about con­ver­sa­tion. The process of con­vert­ing writ­ten text to dig­i­tal text has its own set of prob­lems. This is an exam­ple of an opti­cal char­ac­ter algo­rithm that’s designed to be accu­rate for some kinds of English text, but it fails to work prop­er­ly when it encoun­ters say the long s of the 1700s. So it says inof­fenſive man­ners” and the OCR algo­rithm thinks it says inof­fen­five man­ners.” Or there’s an obscure lig­a­ture in there which it inter­prets as a paren­the­sis and a 5. So the point of this is that the real world always con­tains some­thing unex­pect­ed that throws a wrench into the works of the procedure.

Another exam­ple of that, the Unicode stan­dard is devot­ed to the ide­al that text in any writ­ing sys­tem can be ful­ly rep­re­sent­ed and repro­duced with a sequence of num­bers. So we can take a text in a world, con­vert it to a series of Unicode code points, and then we have accu­rate­ly rep­re­sent­ed that text. So this idea might make intu­itive sense— It makes espe­cial­ly intu­itive sense to like, a clas­sic hack­er who’s used to work­ing with ASCII text. But of course just like any oth­er sys­tem of dig­i­ti­za­tion, Unicode leaves out or for­gets cer­tain ele­ments of what it’s try­ing to model. 

So this is one con­tro­ver­sial exam­ple of Unicode’s for­get­ful­ness. It’s called the Han uni­fi­ca­tion, in which the Unicode stan­dard is attempt­ing to col­lapse sim­i­lar char­ac­ters of Chinese ori­gin from dif­fer­ent writ­ing sys­tems into the same code point. Of course what the Unicode Consortium says is the same and what the speak­ers of the lan­guages in ques­tion say are the same don’t always match up. And the dis­agree­ments about that con­tin­ue among the affect­ed par­ties, delay­ing and com­pli­cat­ing adop­tion of the stan­dard. You can see here the Unicode stan­dard wants to say that all of these char­ac­ters are the same. But you can see that actu­al­ly as they’re used by speak­ers of these dif­fer­ent lan­guages, they’re not the same at all. So there’s a dif­fer­ence between the abstrac­tion and the reality.

This is a kind of cool, inter­est­ing exam­ple. This is a sys­tem of tran­scrib­ing dance and move­ment called Labanotation. So you could poten­tial­ly tran­scribe some­body’s move­ments or a dance piece into this par­tic­u­lar tran­scrip­tion sys­tem. And I bring this up to show that what I’m try­ing to say is not that tran­scrip­tion or dig­i­ti­za­tion or pro­gram­ming or design­ing hard­ware with a par­tic­u­lar pur­pose is always a bad thing. It can have a par­tic­u­lar pur­pose. This sys­tem, for exam­ple, facil­i­tates the rep­e­ti­tion and analy­sis of an action so that pat­terns can be iden­ti­fied, for­mal­ized, and measured. 

Toward a new hack­er ethic

So here we go. Toward a new hack­er eth­ic. So, the approach in which pro­gram­mers acknowl­edge that pro­gram­ming is in some sense about leav­ing some­thing out is opposed to the Hands-On Imperative as expressed by Levy. Programs aren’t mod­els of the world con­struct­ed from scratch but takes on the world, care­ful­ly carved out of real­i­ty. It’s a sub­tle but impor­tant dif­fer­ence. In the pro­gram­ming is for­get­ting” mod­el, the world can’t debugged. But what you can do is rec­og­nize and be explic­it about your own point of view and the assump­tions that you bring to the situation.

So, the term hack­er” still has high val­ue in tech cul­ture. And it’s a privilege…if some­body calls you a hack­er that’s kind of like a com­pli­ment. It’s a priv­i­lege to be able to be called a hack­er, and it’s reserved for the high­est few. And to be hon­est, I per­son­al­ly could take or leave the term. I’m not claim­ing to be a hack­er or to speak on behalf of hack­ers. But what I want to do is I want to fos­ter a tech­nol­o­gy cul­ture in which a high val­ue is placed on under­stand­ing and being explic­it about your bias­es about what you’re leav­ing out, so that com­put­ers are used to bring out the rich­ness of the world instead of forcibly over­writ­ing it.

So to that end I’m propos­ing a new hack­er eth­ic. Of course propos­ing a closed set of rules for vir­tu­ous behav­ior would go against the very phi­los­o­phy I’m try­ing to advance, so my eth­ic instead takes the form of ques­tions that every hack­er should ask them­selves while they’re mak­ing pro­grams and machines. So here they are.

Instead of say­ing access to com­put­ers should be unlim­it­ed and total, we should ask Who gets to use what I make? Who am I leav­ing out? How does what I make facil­i­tate or hin­der access?”

Instead of say­ing all infor­ma­tion should be free, we could ask What data am I using? Whose labor pro­duced it and what bias­es and assump­tions are built into it? Why choose this par­tic­u­lar phe­nom­e­non for dig­i­ti­za­tion or tran­scrip­tion? And what do the data leave out?”

Instead of say­ing mis­trust author­i­ty, pro­mote decen­tral­iza­tion, we should ask What sys­tems of author­i­ty am I enact­ing through what I make? What sys­tems of sup­port do I rely on? How does what I make sup­port oth­er people?”

And instead of say­ing hack­ers should be judged by their hack­ing, not bogus cri­te­ria such as degrees, age, race, or posi­tion, we should ask What kind of com­mu­ni­ty am I assum­ing? What com­mu­ni­ty do I invite through what I make? How are my own per­son­al val­ues reflect­ed in what I make?”

So you might have noticed that there were two final points—the two last points of Levy’s hack­er ethics that I left alone, and those are these: You can cre­ate art and beau­ty on a com­put­er. Computers can change your life for the bet­ter. I think if there’s any­thing to be res­cued from hack­er cul­ture it’s these two sen­tences. These two sen­tences are the rea­son that I’m a com­put­er pro­gram­mer and that I’m a teacher in the first place. And I believe them and I know you believe them, and that’s why we’re here togeth­er today. Thank you.