Intertitle: What’s the most overlooked issue in this election?

Cory Booker: Tax reform. We have a tax system right now that creates a lot of perverse incentives. It incentivizes jobs moving overseas, incentivizes a lack of investment here at home, these inversions that are happening. And I do believe that when it comes to paying fair taxes, there’s a lot of folks who are paying large percentages of their incoming taxes, but that’s not reflected in other asset brackets.

Intertitle: What will be the first crisis for the next President?

Booker: We are not matching our competitors in investing in the greatest natural resource any country has. It’s not oil, or gas, or coal. It’s human potential. And so when it comes from investing in universal preschool, or great policy interventions like nurse-family partnerships, for every dollar invested in programs like that, you save five government dollars.

Intertitle: What city should the next President visit first?

Booker: The greatest American city of all is Newark, New Jersey. In fact, I think before they even get sworn in, they should come to Broad and Market and announce a vision for our nation.

Further Reference

Introductory post about this series, and for this installment, at Slate.