
Cory Booker’s Advice for the Next President

We have a tax sys­tem right now that cre­ates a lot of per­verse incen­tives. It incen­tivizes jobs mov­ing over­seas, incen­tivizes a lack of invest­ment here at home, these inver­sions that are hap­pen­ing. And I do believe that when it comes to pay­ing fair tax­es, there’s a lot of folks who are pay­ing large per­cent­ages of their incom­ing tax­es, but that’s not reflect­ed in oth­er asset brackets.

The Education of Mark Zuckerberg: Lessons Learned from the People of Newark

You might have heard that this week Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan announced that they’re going to give away 99% of their Facebook stock in hopes of mak­ing the world a much bet­ter place for their new­born daugh­ter and her gen­er­a­tion. Now, I just want to be right up front with you. I have no inside infor­ma­tion about this fas­ci­nat­ing devel­op­ment. But what I do have is inside infor­ma­tion, the inside sto­ry, on a gift that this cou­ple made five years ago in their first act as philanthropists.