Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (Page 2 of 6)

The Breakdown: eve­lyn douek on Doctored Media, Platform Response and Responsibility

presented by evelyn douek, Oumou Ly

The ques­tion also does come up, you know, is there any­thing real­ly new here, with these new tech­nolo­gies? Disinformation is as old as infor­ma­tion. Manipulated media is as old as media. Is there some­thing par­tic­u­lar­ly harm­ful about this new infor­ma­tion envi­ron­ment and these new tech­nolo­gies, these hyper­re­al­is­tic false depic­tions, that we need to be espe­cial­ly wor­ried about? 

The Breakdown: Renée DiResta on Misinformation and COVID-19

presented by Oumou Ly, Renée DiResta

It’s been real­ly inter­est­ing to see the entire world pay atten­tion to one top­ic. This is some­thing some­what unprece­dent­ed. We have had out­breaks in the era of social media mis­in­for­ma­tion before. Zika in 2015, Ebola 2018, right. So there have been a range of moments in which dis­eases have cap­ti­vat­ed pub­lic atten­tion. But usu­al­ly they tend to stay at least some­what geo­graph­i­cal­ly con­fined in terms of attention.

Watch Your Words

presented by Bernease Herman, Erich Ludwig, Joseph Williams, Walt Frick

The premise of our project is real­ly that we are sur­round­ed by machines that are read­ing what we write, and judg­ing us based on what­ev­er they think we’re saying. 

Surveillance State of the Union

presented by B Cavello, Carl Governale

We want­ed to look at how sur­veil­lance, how these algo­rith­mic deci­sion­mak­ing sys­tems and sur­veil­lance sys­tems feed into this kind of tar­get­ing deci­sion­mak­ing. And in par­tic­u­lar what we’re going to talk about today is the role of the AI research com­mu­ni­ty. How that research ends up in the real world being used with real-world consequences.

Kaleidoscope: Positionality-aware Machine Learning

presented by Elizabeth Dubois

Positionality is the spe­cif­ic posi­tion or per­spec­tive that an indi­vid­ual takes giv­en their past expe­ri­ences, their knowl­edge; their world­view is shaped by posi­tion­al­i­ty. It’s a unique but par­tial view of the world. And when we’re design­ing machines we’re embed­ding posi­tion­al­i­ty into those machines with all of the choic­es we’re mak­ing about what counts and what does­n’t count. 

AI Blindspot

presented by Dan Taber

AI Blindspot is a dis­cov­ery process for spot­ting uncon­scious bias­es and struc­tur­al inequal­i­ties in AI systems.

Automating Inequality
How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor

presented by Virginia Eubanks

I start the sto­ry in 1819 rather than 1980. And that allows me to do some very spe­cif­ic work, which is to talk about what I think of as the deep social pro­gram­ming of the tools that we’re now using in pub­lic ser­vices across the United States.

Rashad Robinson on Interventions for Institutions

presented by Rashad Robinson

I want to inject a lit­tle cul­ture into this con­ver­sa­tion. And as we talk about the rea­sons that we make inter­ven­tions in this work, the rea­son why we advo­cate for truth in the media, and the rea­son why orga­ni­za­tions like mine do that work is for our com­mu­ni­ty, for the folks that we represent.

Ellen Miller on Interventions for Institutions

presented by Ellen Miller

I’ve long had this fan­ta­sy in my entire career, which has most­ly been in the field a mon­ey and pol­i­tics, to be able to find one place where you could enter a search term like this one, General Electric,” and see every­thing you could find out about a com­pa­ny, a cor­po­rate profile—what they do in Washington, what they do at the state level.

Micah Sifry on Combatting Institutions That Promote Misinformation

presented by Micah Sifry

I actu­al­ly want to go beyond the way we think about the Internet to think about this whole ques­tion we’ve been wrestling with, which is you know, our infor­ma­tion sys­tem, and to take a metaphor that my friend Craig Newmark likes to say, which is that the press or the media is the immune sys­tem of democracy.