None of us predicted YouTube, none of us predicted Facebook, none of us predicted Twitter, none of us predicted so many things we take for granted today. I’m not gonna get in the guessing game anymore. What I do think is, the more people of good intentions get involved in this, the more this becomes about people and less about profit, the better off we’ll be.
Larry Irving

In 1993 when we first started talking about the digital divide and doing the work to define the digital divide, there were 15 million people on this planet on the Internet. Today there are 4 billion. A lot of people in this room did a lot of work to make that happen. But we have a lot that we need to do still.

I have a lot of fears about the Internet. I fear the loss of privacy. It is still seen by far too many people as the domain of other than minorities, of other than women, of other than poor people, and it’s got to be about all of us. I fear that it is becoming a pay-to-play ethic, and the thing you’re going to be having to pay with is your privacy.