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Art && Code Homemade: Vernelle A. A. Noel

presented by Vernelle A. A. Noel

I look into mak­ing. And that’s tra­di­tion­al mak­ing prac­tices, dig­i­tal prac­tices, and their inter­sec­tions with soci­ety. So under­stand­ing what that rela­tion­ship is, can be, or might be, and how they influ­ence each oth­er. So how mak­ing prac­tices in soci­ety can influ­ence the tech­nolo­gies that we devel­op, right. So I make tools, process­es, tech­nolo­gies, etc., and real­ly ques­tion cul­ture, soci­ety, and design through them.

Art && Code Homemade: Kelli Anderson

presented by Kelli Anderson

For me, hav­ing the free­dom to explore and tin­ker and wan­der to advance the plot has felt real­ly key. And I want to acknowl­edge that hav­ing the capac­i­ty to allow such uncer­tain­ty and anar­chism into one’s life is not a priv­i­lege that every­one has.

Art && Code Homemade: Kelly Heaton

presented by Kelly Heaton

I guess I’m real­ly an ener­gy artist. So I’m just super inter­est­ed in the flow of ener­gy through all things. I find that when you look at it in terms of ener­gy, and you think about per­fume and the expe­ri­ence of per­fume and how you con­struct it as ener­gy, as fre­quen­cy. Same as the fre­quen­cy of the col­or fields in a paint­ing. Same as the ener­gy and the fre­quen­cies that hap­pen in a sound cir­cuit. Ultimately it’s all about the ener­gy and the vibra­tion, and I think that’s real­ly the crux of where I focus my creativity. 

Art && Code Homemade: Hannah Epstein

presented by Hannah Epstein

Home…made, home…made. Like what does that even mean any­more? Literally every­thing is home­made now that we’ve been impris­oned there. Even my sis­ter. She’s a lawyer. She’s basi­cal­ly prac­tic­ing law in a home­made court­room while rid­ing an under-desk ellip­ti­cal. If only an artist with a lot of fore­sight did their 2017 MFA the­sis show about this exact top­ic. Oh yeah. I did that. 

Art && Code Homemade: Laura Devendorf

presented by Laura Devendorf

I think a lot of the times in my field, we see peo­ple with tech­ni­cal skills, tra­di­tion­al tech­ni­cal skills like com­put­er sci­ence or elec­tri­cal engi­neer­ing, being com­fort­able sort of tak­ing on the role of craftsper­son. But at the same time we’re not very…generous with giv­ing the term engi­neer” or tech­ni­cal” to peo­ple who are real­ly from the world of craft.

Art && Code Homemade: Rael + San Fratello

presented by Virginia San Fratello

It’s called Mud Frontiers for two rea­sons. One, because we are quite lit­er­al­ly build­ing with mud. And two because we’re work­ing at the fron­tier of tech­nol­o­gy, using robot­ics and 3D print­ing. But also because we’re work­ing at the his­tor­i­cal fron­tier between the United States and Mexico.

Art && Code Homemade: han­nah perner-wilson

presented by hannah perner-wilson

While prepar­ing my pre­sen­ta­tion I had a chance to talk with Golan, and he said that Art && Code isn’t real­ly a venue for kin­da port­fo­lio pre­sen­ta­tions of projects. Much rather it’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty reflect on one’s work from a dif­fer­ent angle, pos­si­bly a more per­son­al one. And so I thought if I may spend the next twen­ty min­utes talk­ing to you a bit about my rela­tion­ship issues. Or rather a bit of a cri­sis that hap­pened about five years ago. 

Art && Code Homemade: Max Bittker

presented by Max Bittker

I think that I’ve tried to make things that expose the inter­nals of the way that they work. And so com­put­ers are by default kind of opaque, and I think that any time a sys­tem can put a glass lid on what’s hap­pen­ing inside, or make it audi­ble in some way, is one step that you can take to share and make that less of a single-person experience.

Art && Code Homemade: Daniela Rosner

presented by Daniela Rosner

Bringing a kind of fab­u­la­tion or fab­u­la­to­ry prac­tice to design, I want us to try to under­stand design a bit dif­fer­ent­ly, as a kind of multi-bounded process that starts as very small ges­tures and begins with doing the impossible.

Art && Code Homemade: ann haeyoung

presented by ann haeyoung

I think tech­nol­o­gy, and code as a sub­set of tech­nol­o­gy is best thought of as a phys­i­cal man­i­fes­ta­tion of our social and cul­tur­al val­ues. So in our soci­ety, we cre­ate tech­nol­o­gy as a means to con­trol nature and/or human rela­tion­ships, and as a way to rein­force dom­i­nant pow­er structures.

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