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2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Douglas van Houweling

presented by Douglas van Houweling

When we start­ed the activ­i­ty to build the National Science Foundation Network, or NSFNET, we had a clear under­stand­ing that the mon­ey that the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment was going to be able to spend on the net­work would­n’t be ade­quate to do the job that the com­mu­ni­ty required.

2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Dennis Jennings

presented by Dennis Jennings

I was invit­ed to go to the National Science Foundation and I joined them on the 1st of January 1985 as the first Program Director for Networking. So my role was to build the super­com­put­er access net­work. Well when I arrived I changed all that. I decid­ed that instead of build­ing a spe­cif­ic net­work for super­com­put­er access, I’d take a more strate­gic, long-term view—at least that’s how I express it nowa­days. I prob­a­bly didn’t think of it in those terms. 

2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Demi Getschko

presented by Demi Getschko

The Internet in some ways kind of rup­tured, if you look at all the struc­tures and all the eco­nom­i­cal mod­els and so on. In this way, the Internet rep­re­sents also a threat to the sta­tus quo in many busi­ness oper­a­tions and so on. Then of course the well-established sta­tus quo in some ways fears the Internet.

2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Dai Davies

presented by Dai Davies

I think the thing which I see as being real­ly impor­tant is there are a lot of still quite rou­tine jobs, where peo­ple are adding very lit­tle val­ue oth­er than mov­ing infor­ma­tion from one place to anoth­er. And I think that aspect of work will become increas­ing­ly rare in the same way that for exam­ple if you look back say forty, fifty years ago, fac­to­ry work con­sist­ed of rel­a­tive­ly rou­tine things.

2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Christina Engelbart

presented by Christina Engelbart

When you have an informed pub­lic then you can real­ly advance soci­ety. And when you have a misinformed pub­lic, it could be a recipe for dis­as­ter. And that one of the cloudy parts of the Internet is how much misinfor­ma­tion is pro­lif­er­at­ing out there and tak­ing on a life of its own.

2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Chester Soong

presented by Chester Soong

I was lucky enough to start off as one of the first ISPs in Hong Kong back in 1995. I was head­ing up the Internet ser­vice providers asso­ci­a­tion local­ly. And that kind of led us to have a cen­tral or orga­nized body to dis­cuss with the gov­ern­ment on Internet reg­u­la­tions or telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions issues among us. And that kind of opened the door to many of the issues that we are fac­ing today like copy­right, pri­va­cy, secu­ri­ty, and even just Internet accessibility. 

2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Charles Mok

presented by Charles Mok

I start­ed one of the ear­ly Internet ser­vice providers back in the mid to late 1990s. And then work­ing with oth­er peo­ple, we basi­cal­ly brought the com­mer­cial Internet to Hong Kong from the days of nar­row­band con­nec­tiv­i­ty, modems, dialup, to broadband. 

2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Ben Segal

presented by Ben Segal

Tim Berners-Lee invent­ed the Web at CERN. He was a young guy at CERN. He kind­ly said I was a men­tor to him, because I was doing this oper­a­tion of intro­duc­ing and teach­ing pro­to­cols. I taught him sock­et pro­gram­ming and that sort of thing. And I noticed him as a young…eager beaver. And I watched the process of him invent­ing the Web, single-handedly. So, that’s the high­light and I would say that was­n’t a result…you know, direct result of what I did, but cer­tain­ly I helped to cre­ate the ground for him, the envi­ron­ment for him, to make that inven­tion at CERN. Because CERN was not a par­tic­u­lar­ly fer­tile place.

2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Andreu Veà

presented by Andreu Veà

Probably the biggest con­cern is if the Internet gets bro­ken in pieces. And one of the best things now is that the Internet is one. It’s unique and you can con­nect, end-to-end, every­where. We have start­ed see­ing in places like China that they have their own DNS sys­tems, the fire­walls. So they’re break­ing the Internet in dif­fer­ent pieces.

2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Abhaya Induruwa

presented by Abhaya Induruwa

Having got the mon­ey, the next chal­lenge was to some­how get the only tele­com provider at the time in the coun­try, Sri Lanka Telecom, to set up the net­work com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels. So with a kind of per­sua­sion I was able to get three 64 kilo­bits per sec­ond wire­less links to con­nect my uni­ver­si­ty, University of Moratuwa, to two oth­er uni­ver­si­ties, one in Colombo, University of Colombo, and Open University. And in 1994 we set up the first IP ran in the country. 

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