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Kara Walker RISD 2015 Commencement Alumni Address

presented by Kara Walker

I came with the inten­tion of speak­ing about my expe­ri­ence at RISD and wish­ing President Somerson a good tenure here, but all I could write on my sketch­book page was blank page.” I wrote tab­u­la rasa.” I wrote a clean slate.” And I wrote those words sev­er­al times, and I real­ized as I was writ­ing them that that’s how I arrived at RISD

What Can a Body Do? How We Meet the Built World

presented by Foster Young, Sara Hendren

In ten years of doing research and col­lab­o­ra­tions and being men­tored, I’ve learned to see dis­abled peo­ple as doing the most cre­ative work that is also the most urgent work of body meet­ing world. And I think it’s real­ly crit­i­cal to keep both of these things close­ly together.

The Reality of Racial Bias

presented by Phillip Atiba Goff

I want to talk to you just a lit­tle bit about how the sci­ence of racism, how racism actu­al­ly func­tions, can bring a lit­tle bit of hope to these dif­fi­cult issues, with­out even need­ing to be espe­cial­ly polit­i­cal. And bet­ter than that, how the sci­ence of racism can lead to some action­able solu­tions to these seem­ing­ly impos­si­ble problems. 

The Breakdown: Daphne Keller Explains the Communications Decency Act

presented by Daphne Keller, Oumou Ly

The key thing that Congress realized…was that if you want plat­forms to mod­er­ate, you need to give them both of those immu­ni­ties. You can’t just say, You’re free to mod­er­ate, go do it,” you have to also say, And, if you under­take to mod­er­ate but you miss some­thing and there’s you know, defama­tion still on the plat­form or what­ev­er, the fact that you tried to mod­er­ate won’t be held against you.” 

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Adiel Akplogan

presented by Adiel Akplogan

One of the key chal­lenges is the lan­guage bar­ri­er. In Africa there are three major lan­guages spo­ken, or used in pro­fes­sion­al envi­ron­ments: French, English, some Portuguese. And try­ing to bring the com­mu­ni­ty from all those dif­fer­ent lan­guage back­grounds to focus on a project like AFRINIC was hard.

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: On Behalf of Suguru Yamaguchi

presented by Hiroshi Esaki, Rui Takita, Suguru Yamaguchi

He’s a found­ing mem­ber of the WIDE Project that is the ini­ti­at­ing R&D and busi­ness of the Internet in Japan, as well as col­lab­o­rat­ing with glob­al part­ners in order to make the Internet the real infra­struc­ture for everyone.

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Michael Stanton

presented by Michael Stanton

This is some­thing which we believe has to be stressed, that there are users which can­not be served by the com­mer­cial net­works at the moment at a decent price. Everything even­tu­al­ly comes down to price and the idea of being able to have aggre­gat­ed net­works which can be used by high-performance users as well as the less-aggressive peo­ple, if you like, can be built and oper­at­ed eco­nom­i­cal­ly if you have the right conditions.

Computer, Stop
Why Star Trek only goes so far and we need to try harder than science fiction

presented by Dan Hon

Star Trek’s vision of a voice inter­face to com­put­ing was and remains incred­i­bly com­pelling. So much to the extent that about three years ago, Amazon includ­ed Computer” as a wake word to the Echo so that we can pre­tend to talk to the first mass-market voice assis­tant as if we’re on a space­ship in the 24th century. 

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Larry Irving

presented by Larry Irving

None of us pre­dict­ed YouTube, none of us pre­dict­ed Facebook, none of us pre­dict­ed Twitter, none of us pre­dict­ed so many things we take for grant­ed today. I’m not gonna get in the guess­ing game any­more. What I do think is, the more peo­ple of good inten­tions get involved in this, the more this becomes about peo­ple and less about prof­it, the bet­ter off we’ll be.

2019 Internet Hall of Fame Inductee Interviews: Klaas Wierenga

presented by Klaas Wierenga

I was get­ting a bit annoyed with the fact that I was trav­el­ing to uni­ver­si­ties all over the coun­try and always had to go through all kinds of trou­ble to get online. You may not know this but back in the time you would have to reg­is­ter your MAC address at the IT cen­ter of the uni­ver­si­ty or get a card to stick into your lap­top. And it was such a has­sle and I thought, but why?

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