
Spring 2021 #OSSTA Lecture: A.M. Darke
Representation Matters: On Black Virtuality and Being Included

I want­ed to talk specif­i­cal­ly about visu­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion and inclu­siv­i­ty, and real­ly try­ing to prob­lema­tize the way that we con­ceive of inclu­siv­i­ty as an inher­ent good. This is not a sort of hash­tag rep­re­sen­ta­tion mat­ters” talk, it is a talk that’s think­ing about you know, mat­ters around rep­re­sen­ta­tion and how to do that in a way that is non-instrumentalizing and non-exploitative.

The Fight for Artistic Freedom

When the film was banned, I was real­ly, real­ly, real­ly sur­prised. And what sur­prised me the most about the ban was the rea­son the Kenya Film Classification Board gave. They gave the rea­son that the film was not remorse­ful enough. They said that if I change the end­ing of the film and make it more remorse­ful, then they would give me a rat­ing. Because they did­n’t like the idea of legit­imiz­ing, or nor­mal­iz­ing, the LGBT com­mu­ni­ty in Kenya. Which was ridiculous. 

The Beauty of Inclusion

As a black, African, woman, with albinism, my very exis­tence attracts social and polit­i­cal con­se­quences. And all of it is sig­nif­i­cant for me. It is my world between worlds. In the same way I could not just pick one doll, I can­not just pick one iden­ti­ty. An inclu­sive cul­ture accepts that it is not this or that. It is this and that. 

Rashad Robinson on Interventions for Institutions

I want to inject a lit­tle cul­ture into this con­ver­sa­tion. And as we talk about the rea­sons that we make inter­ven­tions in this work, the rea­son why we advo­cate for truth in the media, and the rea­son why orga­ni­za­tions like mine do that work is for our com­mu­ni­ty, for the folks that we represent.

Gay Science

How do we make gay worlds in video games? Well, I can tell you how not to make a gay world. You should not rely on the AAA game indus­try to pity you and leave you some table scraps. I’m tired of being 0.1% of a world, right. Why isn’t Dragon Age 100% gay sex, right?

Where Are The Black Designers?

How many black design­ers do you know? If you find that there’s not many or you don’t know any at all, that’s actu­al­ly per­fect­ly okay. That’s fine. And part of the rea­son­ing I think behind this is that you know, we don’t real­ly know where they are. We don’t see them because they’re not reflect­ed in our design media.

The Conversation #47 — Oliver Porter

To me…we all draw our sat­is­fac­tion from what we our­selves have been able to do with our lives. And if some­body, some gov­ern­ment or some­one else is just giv­ing to me, I’m not going to be a hap­py person.

Critical Computing
Using Computers for Social Awareness and Empowerment

In the real world we can cre­ative­ly rep­re­sent our­selves in dynam­ic ways. So, we can vary our ges­ture, our dis­course, our pos­ture, our fash­ion, life sto­ries, the way we tell our sto­ries. And all of this is with an astound­ing sen­si­tiv­i­ty to social con­text. Computer tech­nolo­gies like com­put­er games, social net­work­ing, and vir­tu­al worlds are much more prim­i­tive than what we do in the real world.