
2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Steve Goldstein

There was real­ly no real secu­ri­ty built, oth­er than things like pass­words and maybe some encryp­tion here or there. And the atti­tude that my boss had at National Science Foundation was, That’s not our con­cern. This is for the aca­d­e­mics. People want to build in all kinds of secu­ri­ty, that’s some­body else’s prob­lem.” I think that was a very valid point at that time, but that was 1990.

Michael Stanton’s Internet Hall of Fame 2019 Induction Speech

RNP was launched in September 1989, exact­ly thir­ty years ago this month. So we’re now at the stage of look­ing back and see­ing how we are at present.

Elise Gerich’s Internet Hall of Fame 2019 Induction Speech

Part of my net­work­ing expe­ri­ence as I grew as a net­work­ing per­son, and Internet per­son, peo­ple would come up and say, Well what was it like to be a woman in a men’s field?” And I’ve got­ta com­pli­ment the Merit folks who hired the NSFNET staff. They were gender-blind.

Kimberly Claffy’s Internet Hall of Fame 2019 Induction Speech

So many pre­vi­ous awardees have spo­ken of the mag­ic sauce of the Internet. The oppo­site of secret sauce, I guess, because they all use the word open.” Open stan­dards, open archi­tec­ture, open source. They said this open­ness is what made the Internet the Internet. Which sounds most­ly right, although not much like how we expe­ri­ence the Internet today. 

Douglas van Houweling’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

One of the things that we have dis­cov­ered over and over again, as we build net­works that move elec­trons around and pho­tons around, is that human beings use those to con­nect with one anoth­er. We think we’re con­nect­ing com­put­ers togeth­er, it turns out we’re con­nect­ing human beings together.