I’ve been active in so-called Internet institutions that take care of the running of the Internet since 1987, ’88, something like that. I was one of the first non-American people to join the IETF, the Internet Engineering Task Force, the standardization organization for the Internet. And I’ve worked hard to establish that that became more international…
Carl Malamud: Internet Talk Radio, town crier to the global village. How do you pronounce your name? Erik Huizer: [Pronounces as roughly “howzer”] Malamud: Huizer. Is that right? Huizer: No, that’s not right. Malamud: Try it again. Huizer: Huizer. Malamud: Huizer. Huizer: Huizer. Malamud: Huizer. Am I right? Huizer: No. Still wrong. Malamud: Not even …read the full transcript.