You know, I got to think­ing about—Tan Tin Wee beat me to this anal­o­gy but I’m going to use it any­way. If the ARPANET cre­at­ed atoms, then the Internet cre­at­ed mol­e­cules. And Tim Berners-Lee cre­at­ed DNA. And after that, it was just life in all its variations. 

So now I final­ly fig­ured out, what is it that moti­vat­ed all of us to want to be part of all this? The Internet is like sex. You know, you can’t get enough of it. And that’s all there is to it. That’s why there’s all this volunteerism—I mean, for­get about bil­lion­aires. Everybody likes sex, and every­body likes the Internet. And we have a long ways to go. So, the Internet evan­ge­list is going to encour­age more Internet sex. I can see how I’m going to get into a lot of trou­ble here in a minute. 

Anyway, it’s a real hon­or, and a spe­cial plea­sure, to be here to join all of you and think of all the lit­er­al­ly mil­lions of peo­ple who have made the Internet hap­pen. This is all about enabling peo­ple to con­tribute. And I think every sin­gle per­son that’s rec­og­nized here today, espe­cial­ly those in this pio­neer’s cir­cle, have gone out of their way to make it pos­si­ble for every­one to con­tribute some­thing. And I think it’s the open­ness of the Internet archi­tec­ture that Bob Kahn gets so much cred­it for hav­ing thought through ini­tial­ly that has allowed of us to con­tribute, and has allowed the Internet to con­tin­ue to evolve. So I look for­ward to the next twen­ty years of that evo­lu­tion. Because it’s going to be real­ly inter­est­ing. Thank you.