Intertitle: Whose portrait should the next President hang in the Oval Office?

Jen Kirkman: The next president should have a portrait of Shirley Chisholm in their office, because she was the first African-American woman—and only—to run for President, and she ran against Nixon. And that’s the kind of President we need, and we need her overseeing everybody and making sure that they keep her attitude in mind.

Intertitle: Which non-politician should the next President call every month to provide outside-the-beltway perspective?

Kirkman: Whoever the next President is, the non-politician that they should call once in awhile to get perspective from is Howard Stern. I listen to his show every day, and he’s got great ideas. For him, it’s all about fixing the infrastructure of this country, and that’s how you put people back to work. He’s a huge advocate of Planned Parenthood and women’s rights. Call Howard Stern. He knows what to—or just listen to him. Just turn on the radio. But you can call him, too, I think.

Further Reference

Introductory post about this series, and for this installment, at Slate.