STUDIO for Creative Inquiry (Page 4 of 7)

Art && Code Homemade: Lee Wilkins

presented by Lee Wilkins

Really what my work is con­cerned about is the body and tech­nol­o­gy. They’re often thought of as very dif­fer­ent things. Technology is thought of in these sort of rigid forms and devices, and the body is like this organ­ic oth­er type deal. So, I’m real­ly about explor­ing the ten­sion between those things. 

Manipulated image of an Apple Magic Keyboard, now mostly a blank sheet of metal with a selection of eleven keys still visible, including those spelling "FUCK."

Art && Code Homemade: Cyril Diagne

presented by Cyril Diagne

One of the most beau­ti­ful things for me about open source is that you don’t need per­mis­sion. This is such an under­es­ti­mat­ed aspect of open source, which is that because there is no price, because there is no license, because there is no con­tact us” but­ton to get a tri­al… You just get the code, you don’t ask per­mis­sion from any­body. You just get going. And I find that extreme­ly powerful. 

Art && Code Homemade: Andy Quitmeyer

presented by Andy Quitmeyer

It turns out when­ev­er humans make a met­ric that tries to prove their superiority—oh, we have lan­guage, or we do agri­cul­ture, we do tool-making—we usu­al­ly end up just find­ing oth­er liv­ing crea­tures actu­al­ly real­ly already do this also. Honeybees wag­gle danc­ing. Leafcutter ants doing agri­cul­ture. Chimps using sticks as tools. 

Art && Code Homemade: LaJuné McMillian

presented by LaJuné McMillian

This library is a move­ment that cel­e­brates our his­to­ry, our cul­ture, and that serves our com­mu­ni­ty to learn and grow as soci­ety evolves. And it holds us account­able in the ways we deal with Black people—our move­ments, our bod­ies, and our lives.

Art && Code Homemade: Tatyana Mustakos

presented by Tatyana Mustakos

I make dolls but then anoth­er dis­ci­pline that I’m inter­est­ed in is pro­gram­ming and cod­ing. And since I work in mul­ti­ples a lot, some­thing I think about is the dif­fer­ence in cre­at­ing some­thing phys­i­cal­ly ver­sus digitally. 

Art && Code Homemade: Ari Melenciano

presented by Ari Melenciano

At the core of who I am as far as my prac­tice I’ve always iden­ti­fied as an artist and have found that design and cre­ative tech­nol­o­gy are real­ly great vehi­cles for me to use to con­tin­ue expand­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ties of art.

Art && Code Homemade: Katia Vega

presented by Katia Vega

I cre­at­ed this con­cept called beau­ty tech­nol­o­gy. This was actu­al­ly my PhD project. I was using cos­met­ics or beau­ty prod­ucts and embed­ding cir­cuits into them. So our skin, this two meters square of skin that we have, it could be an inter­ac­tive platform. 

Art && Code Homemade: Vernelle A. A. Noel

presented by Vernelle A. A. Noel

I look into mak­ing. And that’s tra­di­tion­al mak­ing prac­tices, dig­i­tal prac­tices, and their inter­sec­tions with soci­ety. So under­stand­ing what that rela­tion­ship is, can be, or might be, and how they influ­ence each oth­er. So how mak­ing prac­tices in soci­ety can influ­ence the tech­nolo­gies that we devel­op, right. So I make tools, process­es, tech­nolo­gies, etc., and real­ly ques­tion cul­ture, soci­ety, and design through them.

Art && Code Homemade: Kelli Anderson

presented by Kelli Anderson

For me, hav­ing the free­dom to explore and tin­ker and wan­der to advance the plot has felt real­ly key. And I want to acknowl­edge that hav­ing the capac­i­ty to allow such uncer­tain­ty and anar­chism into one’s life is not a priv­i­lege that every­one has.

Art && Code Homemade: Kelly Heaton

presented by Kelly Heaton

I guess I’m real­ly an ener­gy artist. So I’m just super inter­est­ed in the flow of ener­gy through all things. I find that when you look at it in terms of ener­gy, and you think about per­fume and the expe­ri­ence of per­fume and how you con­struct it as ener­gy, as fre­quen­cy. Same as the fre­quen­cy of the col­or fields in a paint­ing. Same as the ener­gy and the fre­quen­cies that hap­pen in a sound cir­cuit. Ultimately it’s all about the ener­gy and the vibra­tion, and I think that’s real­ly the crux of where I focus my creativity.