When did we decide that we no longer need to watch news? We no longer have to watch these disturbing images? That’s why I’m writing a book. I’m thinking about these issues.
re:publica 2018

How To Lose A Country: The New Political Ice Age
presented by Ece Temelkuran

SolarPunk and Going Post-Post-Apocalyptic
presented by Andrew Hudson, Geraldine de Bastion, Maya Indira Ganesh, Mushon Zer-Aviv, Steve Lambert
Cyberpunks, they’re out pirating data and uploading their brains into video games. Solarpunks are revitalizing watersheds, mapping radiation after disaster or war, and bringing back pollinator populations. And since all great speculative fiction is really not about the future but about about the present, cyberpunk is about the politics of the 1980s, right. It was about urban decay and corporate power and globalization. In the same way, solarpunk is really about the politics of right now. Which means it’s about global social justice, the failures of late capitalism, and the climate crisis.

…And the Disability Revolution Will be Tweeted
presented by Robin Wilson-Beattie
I do disability and sexuality education. And activism and advocacy around sexuality and disability issues, and reproductive health issues. And I want to teach the world that people with disabilities have the right and ability to give and receive pleasure.

How an Algorithmic World Can Be Undermined
presented by danah boyd
All they have to do is write to journalists and ask questions. And what they do is they ask a journalist a question and be like, “What’s going on with this thing?” And journalists, under pressure to find stories to report, go looking around. They immediately search something in Google. And that becomes the tool of exploitation.