re:publica 2017

After the Next Attack: Terrorism in the Trump Era

presented by Saud Al-Zaid

My pre­dic­tion was that there would be some form of an attack in the United States or pos­si­bly in the for­eign ter­ri­to­ries or inter­ests. My talk would have been a break­down or dis­sec­tion and con­tex­tu­al­iza­tion of the event. And of course, so far in the Trump admin­is­tra­tion there’s no attack. Well, at least no real ones. Some of us might remem­ber Bowling Green. 

Welcome to the Entreprecariat — Disrupting Precarization

presented by Silvio Lorusso

The rec­i­p­ro­cal influ­ence between an entre­pre­neuri­al­ist regime and per­va­sive pre­car­i­ty, their ambiva­lent coex­is­tence, is what the con­cept of the entrep­re­cari­at refers to. To artic­u­late some of the ways in which this mutu­al influ­ence takes place, I’d like to intro­duce what I would call a pos­tu­late of the entrep­re­cari­at. So here it is: The more pre­car­i­ty is present, the less entre­pre­neuri­al­ism is voluntary.

Ex Oriente Make
The Future of Maker Culture is Made in China

presented by Silvia Lindtner

Making took rise at a moment when peo­ple began— Not just schol­ars but also media—pub­lic media and peo­ple work­ing in the tech industry—began cri­tiquing ear­li­er visions and ideas of the knowl­edge econ­o­my and say­ing the knowl­edge econ­o­my, or ideas like the cre­ative class as prop­a­gat­ed by Richard Florida, were sharply cri­tiqued because they did not deliv­er what they had orig­i­nal­ly promised.

Whatever Happened to Our Dream of an Empowering Internet (and How to Get It Back)

presented by Andres Guadamuz

I felt very strong­ly that there is some­thing that has been lost with the Internet. That I want­ed to explore this. So I’m going to go into top­ics that are… I’m going to be informed a lot in my exper­tise in Internet reg­u­la­tion in some ways. But I’m going to talk to you most­ly as an Internet user, as an avid Internet user, as a blog­ger of many years, as one of you.

Your Body is a Honeypot
Loving Out Loud When There’s No Place to Hide

presented by Jillian C York, Mathana

We have to ask who’s cre­at­ing this tech­nol­o­gy and who ben­e­fits from it. Who should have the right to col­lect and use infor­ma­tion about our faces and our bod­ies? What are the mech­a­nisms of con­trol? We have gov­ern­ment con­trol on the one hand, cap­i­tal­ism on the oth­er hand, and this murky grey zone between who’s build­ing the tech­nol­o­gy, who’s cap­tur­ing, and who’s ben­e­fit­ing from it.

Are We Living Inside an Ethical (and Kind) Machine?

presented by Mark Surman

This is a moment to ask as we make the plan­et dig­i­tal, as we total­ly envel­op our­selves in the com­put­ing envi­ron­ment that we’ve been build­ing for the last hun­dred years, what kind of dig­i­tal plan­et do we want? Because we are at a point where there is no turn­ing back, and get­ting to eth­i­cal deci­sions, val­ues deci­sions, deci­sions about democ­ra­cy, is not some­thing we have talked about enough nor in a way that has had impact.