Vint Cerf

Vint Cerf’s Internet Hall of Fame 2012 Induction Speech

in Internet Hall of Fame 2012

You know, I got to thinking about—Tan Tin Wee beat me to this analogy but I’m going to use it anyway. If the ARPANET created atoms, then the Internet created molecules. And Tim Berners-Lee created DNA. And after that, it was just life in all its variations. So now I finally figured out, what is …read the full transcript.

Vint Cerf Areté Medallion Q&A Elon University 2016

in Imagining the Internet Center

We’ve already been through several situations where new technologies come along. The Industrial Revolution removed a large number of jobs that had been done by hand, replaced them with machines. But the machines had to be built, the machines had to be operated, the machines had to be maintained. And the same is true in this online environment.