LiveJournal I think gave a lot— It certainly gave me my training wheels for how to engage other bits of social space. We…people I know on LJ, I think we learnt quite quickly (or probably some not as quickly as we should’ve done) where the limits of sharing and oversharing are.
Georgina Voss

The whole point of myth is that it’s just the kind of ambient stuff of culture that you can reach out and do whatever you need to do with. Yes, it means things, sort of, it has dispositions, it has tendencies, but you could rewrite all of that.

It’s the expectations themselves that start to change the material qualities of our world, the material qualities around science and technology, around our political activities. That it’s not just that the entrails have been read, but the fact that you now have to make a decision whether you’re going to heed that warning or not.