Erik Huizer

2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Erik Huizer

in Internet Hall of Fame 2014

I’ve been active in so-called Internet institutions that take care of the running of the Internet since 1987, ’88, something like that. I was one of the first non-American people to join the IETF, the Internet Engineering Task Force, the standardization organization for the Internet. And I’ve worked hard to establish that that became more international…

Geek of the Week: Erik Huizer

in Geek of the Week

Carl Malamud: Internet Talk Radio, town crier to the global village. How do you pronounce your name? Erik Huizer: [Pronounces as roughly “howzer”] Malamud: Huizer. Is that right? Huizer: No, that’s not right. Malamud: Try it again. Huizer: Huizer. Malamud: Huizer. Huizer: Huizer. Malamud: Huizer. Am I right? Huizer: No. Still wrong. Malamud: Not even …read the full transcript.

Erik Huizer’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

in Internet Hall of Fame 2014

I ran into Vint Cerf, who didn’t know me of course, but I knew him. So I boldly introduced myself, and Vint said, “Hey, you wanna come to dinner?” And I said, “Well yes, please.” So he shoved me into a cab…