Brewster Kahle

Brewster Kahle’s Internet Hall of Fame 2012 Induction Speech

in Internet Hall of Fame 2012

Back in 1980, working with the artificial intelligence guys, we had this idea we were going to make smart machines. But it needed to read good books, don’t you think?

Geek of the Week: Brewster Kahle

in Geek of the Week

We’re at a thousand dollars per gigabyte, which is what current disk drives cost. The twenty terabytes that people estimate in ASCII that’s in the Library of Congress is just twenty million dollars. So that’s not very much money in terms of being able to store and retrieve the Library of Congress.

Brewster Kahle at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

in Aaron Swartz Day 2015

I’d suggest it’s time to fix the World Wide Web […] and I’m going to suggest the way to do this is by building a distributed Web. This is a call to build a distributed Web, to lock the Web open.