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Geek of the Week: Peter Deutsch

presented by Carl Malamud, Peter Deutsch

Carl Malamud: Internet Talk Radio, flame of the Internet.  This is Geek of the Week and we’re talk­ing with Peter Deutsch, who is pres­i­dent of Bunyip Information Systems. Peter, wel­come to Geek of the Week. Peter Deutsch: Glad to be here. Malamud: You’re best known as the orig­i­na­tor of Archie, or one of the orig­i­na­tors of Archie. …read the full transcript.

Geek of the Week: Christian Huitema

presented by Carl Malamud, Christian Huitema

Carl Malamud: Internet Talk Radio, flame of the Internet.  This is Geek of the Week and we’re talk­ing with Christian Huitema, who’s a researcher at the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique. Did I do that any­where close?  Christian Huitema: No, that’s quite cor­rect. Malamud: Well thank you. Welcome to Geek of the Week, Christian. …read the full transcript.

Geek of the Week: Cliff Lynch

presented by Carl Malamud, Cliff Lynch

I think it’s inter­est­ing to note that com­put­er sci­ence has paid rel­a­tive­ly lit­tle atten­tion I think to some of the prob­lems that come up with very-large scale library automa­tion and pub­lic access to infor­ma­tion. I think that these are hard prob­lems and also fruit­ful prob­lems from a com­put­er sci­ence point of view.

Geek of the Week: John Romkey

presented by Carl Malamud, John Romkey

The Internet Toaster start­ed out as sort of a par­tial­ly prac­ti­cal joke and par­tial­ly a way of demon­strat­ing some things you could do with SNMP and com­put­er net­works that most peo­ple didn’t tend to think about.

Geek of the Week: Jeff Schiller

presented by Carl Malamud, Jeff Schiller

I was inter­est­ed in com­put­er secu­ri­ty when I first showed up at MIT as an under­grad­u­ate. I just found it an intel­lec­tu­al­ly inter­est­ing field of study. But indeed because we have the stu­dents that we have I have an inter­est­ing per­spec­tive on it. In fact at MIT I like to say we have only two kinds of com­put­er secu­ri­ty. We have very good com­put­er secu­ri­ty, and we have…none at all. Because noth­ing in between is of any consequence.

Geek of the Week: Glenn Kowack

presented by Carl Malamud, Glenn Kowack

One of the ways that we’re very dis­tinct from US net­work­ing is that in some sense EUnet and most of the rest of Europe start­ed out with region­als and is today real­iz­ing an NSFNET equiv­a­lent. In EUnet’s case we had sort of very loose insti­tu­tion­al nation­al networks.

Geek of the Week: Milo Medin

presented by Carl Malamud, Milo Medin

I think if the Internet real­ly becomes a pub­lic data net­work in the true sense of the word, some­thing that equals Telenet or some­thing like that, or sur­pass­es it in capa­bil­i­ty, but it’s being used that way then I think in gen­er­al the mis­sion agency net­works will become much more pri­vate, and not have to go off and pull capa­bil­i­ty to places.

Geek of the Week: Steve Deering

presented by Carl Malamud, Steve Deering

Clearly encryp­tion gets you into all sorts of polit­i­cal mine­fields hav­ing to do with export con­trols and so on. And there’s a lot of traf­fic on the Internet. There’s no par­tic­u­lar­ly strong rea­son to encrypt it.

Geek of the Week: Daniel Lynch

presented by Carl Malamud, Daniel Lynch

I hear these argu­ments and read these argu­ments on the mail­ing list that say oh, we’ve got to make sure we choose the right tech­nol­o­gy, the best tech­nol­o­gy, this should not be a polit­i­cal deci­sion, blah blah blah and all those sorts of things. Well… I… That sounds won­der­ful. But it’s not being real.

Geek of the Week: Erik Huizer

presented by Carl Malamud, Erik Huizer

Carl Malamud: Internet Talk Radio, town crier to the glob­al vil­lage.  How do you pro­nounce your name? Erik Huizer: [Pronounces as rough­ly ​“howz­er”] Malamud: Huizer. Is that right? Huizer: No, that’s not right.  Malamud: Try it again. Huizer: Huizer. Malamud: Huizer. Huizer: Huizer. Malamud: Huizer. Am I right? Huizer: No. Still wrong.  Malamud: Not even close. Huizer: Not even close, no. It’s …read the full transcript.

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