Carl Malamud: Internet Talk Radio, flame of the Internet. This is Geek of the Week and we’re talking with Peter Deutsch, who is president of Bunyip Information Systems. Peter, welcome to Geek of the Week. Peter Deutsch: Glad to be here. Malamud: You’re best known as the originator of Archie, or one of the originators of Archie. …read the full transcript.
Maria Popova with John Maeda at PopTech 2014
presented by John Maeda, Maria Popova
I think reading and writing are really two forms of the same act, which is a discourse with one's own mind, and ideally a discourse with another mind. As a reader it's the author's, and as a writer it's the reader's, you know. But the two sort of feed into each other, and for me writing is just and record of my own becoming. Read more →