Frank Knight: It’s time for the Longines Chronoscope, a television journal of the important issues of the hour. Brought to you every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. A presentation of the Longines-Wittnauer Watch Company, maker of Longines, the world’s most honored watch. And Wittnauer, distinguished companion to the world honored Longines.

Good evening. This is Frank Knight. May I introduce our coeditors for this edition of the Longines Chronoscope, Mr. William Bradford Huie, editor of the American Mercury, and Mr. Henry Hazlitt, contributing editor of Newsweek magazine. Our distinguished guest for this evening is the honorable Joseph R. McCarthy, United States Senator from Wisconsin. The opinions expressed are necessarily those of the speakers.

William Bradford Huie: Senator McCarthy, our viewers of course know that you are one of the most controversial political figures of our time, and this is your first appearance since your rather overwhelming victory in the Wisconsin primaries. Now sir, what that brings you East at this time?

Joseph R. McCarthy: Your program largely, Mr. Huie.

Huie: And I believe that also this week, you expect to make an address in Connecticut. Is that correct, sir?

McCarthy: I’m speaking tomorrow night at the Klein Memorial Hall at Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Huie: And of course our viewers know that day in Connecticut, that’s the home state of a man that you had a few words with, Senator Bill Benton. Now sir, what’s the purpose of your going into Connecticut? Is it to defeat Senator Benton or to try to help defeat Senator Benton?

McCarthy: My purpose, Mr. Huie, will be about the same as the purpose in some twelve, thirteen states that I’ll visit. That’s to bring important facts to the American people. You see, I’ve got a very strong feeling that most of our people in public life underestimate the intelligence of the American people. And they try to argue and tell people how to vote. I think you need merely give the people the facts, and then you can go home and don’t worry. They’ll vote right.

Huie: Now at Bridgeport, Connecticut do I understand you correct when you say that you are opening a twelve or thirteen state drive now, in support of the national ticket?

McCarthy: I think I’ll be in… I may be wrong in the number, Mr. Huie. I think that I am now scheduled to speak in some thirteen or fourteen states where they have close senatorial contests.

Henry Hazlitt: Senator, a lot of people came into your state, into Wisconsin, to try to defeat you in the primaries. And it seemed to have worked the other way. Now don’t you think that perhaps when you go into these states it may have that’s sort of effect?

McCarthy: [pronouncing with a hard a] Well Mr. Hazlitt… That’s pronounced Hazlitt, right?

Hazlitt: That’s right.

McCarthy: I’m sorry. Mr. Hazlitt, I do not intend to go into those states and tell the people how to vote. I don’t intend to go in and discuss the local men running for Congress or for Senator. I intend to go into those states and give the American people the cold, documented picture of the sellout in Korea, the extent to which communism has been directing our foreign policy. Our suicidal foreign policy, if you please. And if the American people want more of that, then they can vote for the present administration.

I may say this, that my appeal is largely made to Democrats. I feel that the millions of Americans who have long voted the Democrat ticket are just as loyal, they love America just as much, they hate communism just as much, as the average Republican. And I think it is up to those loyal Democrats to realize that as of today they don’t have a party in Washington. The only way they can have a change is by voting Republican.

Hazlitt: Well, do you think about a lot of Democrats came in and voted for you in the Wisconsin election?

McCarthy: I don’t think it, I know it. Our normal— Let’s put it this way. Two years ago, the Democratic vote was about 47% of the total; Republican vote 53%. This year we had a… Let’s see, I think these figures are right. Eighty-three percent Republican vote; 17% Democrat vote. And most of the Democrats currently voted for McCarthy, because I carried the Democrat wards normally better than I carried the Republican wards. Which proves my contention. That is that in this fight against communism, it isn’t a Democrat fight, it isn’t a Republican fight. And for that reason I don’t go into any state and tell the people how to vote.

Hazlitt: What is the broader interpretation of your own victory in Wisconsin, as you see it?

McCarthy: Well I would say, Mr. Hazlitt, number one it was not a vote for McCarthy. It was a vote on an issue, an all-important issue. The American people recognized that the one real issue, not the phony issue, was the issue of communism, corruption, all tied up with the Korean War. And World War…call it two and a half, call it a police action, call it what you may. It means that the American people are sick way down deep inside at what’s been going on. And I’d like to consider it a tribute to McCarthy. But it does not—it was a vote upon on an all-important issue, and I just hope that many of our good friends realize that that is the issue this year.

Huie: But you imply, Senator, by saying that they didn’t vote for McCarthy— You imply that you’ve become something of a symbol now to a large group of Americans. Now, just what do you believe you symbolize in the American political scene now?

McCarthy: I don’t quite like the way you put that question, Mr. Huie. Let’s put it this way. Many people have been waiting for someone to expose the extent to which our suicidal foreign policy has been dictated from the Kremlin. They’ve been waiting for someone to really get up and fight corruption the way men like Senator Williams have fought it. And I think my people in Wisconsin were voting in approval of a fight against communism, corruption, the sellout of American interests. And they weren’t voting for Joe McCarthy.

McCarthy: I happen to be the recipient of the vote, and I certainly appreciate it a great deal.

Huie: Well, would you say the other side of that coin is that you were the recipient of all the protest vote in Wisconsin? I mean that they were voting for you in order to protest against what what you outline have been the failures of the administration.

McCarthy: That might well be, Mr. Huie.

Hazlitt: Senator, I wanted to ask you about this word “McCarthyism.” Am I right in supposing that the first one who used that word was Owen Lattimore in testimony before the Tydings committee?

McCarthy: Owen Lattimore first used it— Let me correct myself. I think it was first used by Lattimore or by The Daily Worker, but the testimony now is that forty top communists met in New York and decided how they would fight McCarthy and they then coined the phrase McCarthyism. Now as to the date of that, whether that was the day before Lattimore testified or the day after I frankly don’t know.

Hazlitt: But that’s the origin, as you see it. Either The Daily Worker’s publication of it or the Owen Lattimore testimony was the first time it was used.

McCarthy: Yes. Or the testimony by Howard Rushmore that forty communists met and said we’ll coin the phrase McCarthyism and use that.

Hazlitt: I wanted to ask you here something about a point that came up in the Congressional testimony about the Institute of Pacific Relations. This was about a year ago. And it was a letter written by the Secretary of the IPR to a Mr. Barnett, asking about a meeting they were going to have at Mont-Tremblant and the people that they ought to invite to that meeting. And William Lockwood says here in writing as Secretary of the IPR, “Another possibility we might consider is someone from Knox’ office or Stimson’s. Cole and Hiss,” meaning Alger Hiss, “mentioned Adlai Stevens, one of Knox’s special assistants—” Well, that must mean Adlai Stevenson, because he was one of Knox’s special assistants then and there was no “Stevens.” Now why, in your opinion, would Hiss back in 1942 have recommended Adlai Stevenson as a participant in that meeting? What qualifications did Adlai Stevenson have as let’s say a Far-eastern expert at that time?

McCarthy: Well, all the qualifications that Alger Hiss wanted in a man, I would say. And keep in mind that Cole, the other man recommended by Alger Hiss, has been named under oath seven time as either a communist or an espionage agent.

Huie: Uh, Senator…

McCarthy: Let me say this. I’d rather not go into Stevenson’s record in too great detail at this time, because we have just completed a complete and thorough research on Adlai Stevenson.

Hazlitt: Who is “we?”

McCarthy: Well… And I intend to give that picture on a nationwide network, and television I hope also. And after I give that picture of Stevenson, which isn’t a picture that I have created, it’s his own history—it’s Adlai Stevenson’s history of Adlai Stevenson since the time he entered the Agriculture Department in 1933, from Alger Hiss and [inaudible] the rest. And after I give that history of Stevenson, if the American people want him they can have him. I don’t think they’ll want him.

Huie: Well Senator, I gather from what you say that it’s fair to infer that you will not avoid personalities in your thirteen states that you expect to speak in.

McCarthy: I will never avoid giving the facts to the American people, Mr. Huie. It’s so easy, you see, to talk about communism generally. To talk about the sellout in China and Korea generally. But unless you call the role of the traitors, unless you call the role of those who have been responsible for the suicidal foreign policy, it’s a waste of the speaker’s time and the audience time. And I don’t intend to ever get up and in general terms talk about treason, talk about sellouts. You see, foreign policy isn’t like Little Topsy, it doesn’t just grow. Treason isn’t like Little Topsy, it doesn’t just grow. It’s created by men with faces and men with names. And I think those of us who’ve been elected by the American people to man the watchtowers, unless we have the intelligence to recognize the traitors and then—if I may use a word which we use in Wisconsin—unless we have the guts to name them, we should be taken down from those watchtowers and should not be representing the American people. And I don’t intend to ever avoid giving the names of traitors, giving the names of communists, if I discover them in important positions.

Hazlitt: Well Senator, we appreciate it very much for your being with us tonight.

McCarthy: Well, thank you, Mr. Hazlitt.

Knight: The editorial board for this edition of the Longines Chronoscope was Mr. William Bradford Huie and Mr. Henry Hazlitt. Our distinguished guest was the honorable Joseph R. McCarthy, United States Senator from Wisconsin.

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We invite you to join us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening at this same time for the Longines Chronoscope, a television journal of the important issues of the hour. Broadcast on behalf of Longines, the world’s most honored watch, and Wittnauer, distinguished companion to the world honored Longines.

This is Frank Knight. Reminding you that Longines and Wittnauer watches are sold and serviced from coast to cost by more than 4,000 leading jewelers who proudly display this emblem, “agency for Longines-Wittnauer watches.”