Frank Knight

Longines Chronoscope 12/07/1951 with Arthur Garfield Hays

in Longines Chronoscope

This idea of find­ing a com­mu­nist under the bed seems me all non­sense. And the result of the whole thing is that Americans now are so timid about express­ing them­selves that we’ve prac­ti­cal­ly giv­en up demo­c­ra­t­ic meth­ods and free speech. … The result is that we act as one and even on con­tro­ver­sial sub­jects we don’t find any debate in pub­lic life. And don’t dare.

Longines Chronoscope 09/29/1952 with Senator Joseph R. McCarthy

in Longines Chronoscope

You see, I’ve got a very strong feel­ing that most of our peo­ple in pub­lic life under­es­ti­mate the intel­li­gence of the American peo­ple. And they try to argue and tell peo­ple how to vote. I think you need mere­ly give the peo­ple the facts, and then you can go home and don’t wor­ry. They’ll vote right.