
Artificial Intelligence is Hard to See: Social & Ethical Impacts of AI

The big con­cerns that I have about arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence are real­ly not about the Singularity, which frankly com­put­er sci­en­tists say is…if it’s pos­si­ble at all it’s hun­dreds of years away. I’m actu­al­ly much more inter­est­ed in the effects that we are see­ing of AI now.

Ask a Prison Librarian about Privacy, Technology, and State Control

What does it mean to be pri­vate when you’re in a place where you have no right to pri­va­cy but are iron­i­cal­ly deprived of the thing that makes your pri­va­cy go away?

Art, Design, and the Future of Privacy Preface

You don’t need a CS degree to know how [tech­nolo­gies] impact your life, so how do we start exam­in­ing those impacts and then lead­ing with an under­stand­ing of what we actu­al­ly want to build, how we want to build it, and let­ting the imag­i­na­tive capa­bil­i­ties of all of these peo­ple dri­ve that.