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Evgeny Morozov on Silicon Valley Solutionism

There is this bias in society that as long as you have more information things are automatically better because you have more knowledge. It’s a bias that goes all the way back to the Enlightenment.

Urbanising Technology

Cities have become sites, places, for massive deployments of increasingly complex and all-encompassing technical systems, some of them good, some of them dubious.

The Future of Smart Cities

For me, the notion of urbanizing technology really is part of a larger sort of effort that I’ve been working on for a very long time. … [T]echnologies that enable interactive domains deliver, give, their technical capacities through ecologies that are more than just the technical capacity itself.

Margaret Atwood on Fiction, the Future, and the Environment

We have already changed the world a lot, not always for the better. Some of it’s for the better, as far as we human beings are concerned. But every time we invent a new technology, we like to play with that technology, and we don’t always foresee the consequences.

Vint Cerf Areté Medallion Q&A Elon University 2016

We’ve already been through several situations where new technologies come along. The Industrial Revolution removed a large number of jobs that had been done by hand, replaced them with machines. But the machines had to be built, the machines had to be operated, the machines had to be maintained. And the same is true in this online environment.

Who and What Will Get to Think the Future?

There’s already a kind of cognitive investment that we make, you know. At a certain point, you have years of your personal history living in somebody’s cloud. And that goes beyond merely being a memory bank, it’s also a cognitive bank in some way.

Forbidden Research: Messing with Nature Part I: Genetics

When it comes to a field as fast-moving and as high of stakes as genetic engineering, how do we proceed wisely? How do we balance our own wildness and civility as we develop increasingly powerful ways to interact with the living world?

Media, Technology & Culture 1.3: So, What’s New?

So, how do we make sense of new media? How can we guard against our temptation to assume, our implicit sense, even, that everything in our experience of today’s emerging digital media is brand new and unprecedented? And how do we do that while also appreciating the things that really are new or unique to our current cultural context and moment in history?

Media, Technology & Culture 1.2: Yesterday’s “New”s

We’re continuing our series of installments, focusing on what makes new media new. Or put another way, how new are new media, really?

Media, Technology & Culture 1.1: Messages about the Medium

We’re going to talk at length about new media. And in our first few installments we’re going to begin by thinking for a bit about what makes a medium new.