
Designing for Data Literacy in the Age of Post-Truth

We should use our toolbox to make complexity understandable. We need to use the tools at our disposal to build data literacy by showing the context that data exists in. Because with that data, and with context around the data, we’ll be able to build understanding…

A Data Manifesto for Generation Open

We asked our six thousand members to write to their candidates and say, “If you get elected, do you promise to take statistical training from the Royal Statistical Society?”

The Conversation #17 – Laura Musikanski

What’s key…is that we all need to work together. There’s no way for all of us to know about each other. We’re in that part of this new way of being that there’s too many players. It’s too chaotic. There is no center, there is no hub. But we need to find ways to work together, and to lose the idea that any one of us is the solution. Because if any one of us were the solution, we wouldn’t be where we are now.